Puppy Love || Ashton X Reader

330 13 2

(1st person POV)

"Little Girl!" I whistled, waiting by the door as those excited paws came pounding down the hallway. A loud bark erupted from her mouth as she sprang up, placing her two front paws on my chest, nearly knocking me to the ground.

"Woah there, girl!" I laughed, regaining my balance. "We can't go anywhere if you're going to be jumping on me the whole time!" Without me saying a word, she sat down, panting and shaking her tail in excitement.

I rolled my eyes, smiling. "You have to wait for me to say 'sit!'" I crouched down on the ground to hook her leash onto her collar. Before I stood up though, I received a big slobbery greeting to the face. "I love you too, girl." I laughed, patting her on the head.

I stood up to grab a bag of treats, a tennis ball, and her favorite red Frisbee. She was pretty good at jumping and catching the Frisbee at a long distance. I would enter her in a contest if I actually believed in using dogs for money. No, I would just stick to playing with her as much as I could, when I wasn't at school or work, of course.

"Alright, Little Girl, let's go!" I exclaimed, opening the door and leading her to the car. It's a good thing I trained her well because most dogs that were this excited would have been tugging their owner to the car. She knew exactly where we were going and couldn't wait, but she was being a good dog.


"You ready to play?" I teased as we arrived at the park. Dog park, to be exact. Little Girl used to love coming to these as a puppy. The huge open space to play, all the other dogs with owners who didn't mind them playing with other dogs. She absolutely loved making friends, and this was the best place to do so.

However, it had been a while since I last took her to a dog park so she was definitely more excited than ever. I took a look around before getting out of the car. None of the dogs here had leashes on, which I guess was smart. No one wants to restrain their pet from playing with their own kind.

I killed the engine and retreated from my seat, rounding the car to where Little Girl was seated. I had to hold her back once I opened the door so she wouldn't run out before I took her leash off. Once it was off, she shot out of the car, not even bothering to wait for me. I chuckled. Pups will be pups.

I quickly retrieved her toys and treats and made my way to meet my adorable little best friend. They always say that dog is man's best friend, and they aren't wrong.

I could just barely make her out in the crowd of dogs, but I knew it was her. At first I thought she had already made a friend, but it looked for like she found a toy. It wasn't hers though. That was the one thing I wasn't okay with when we came here. Little Girl taking other dogs toys.

I didn't want to run, in case there were some dogs here that tend to chase people, so I basically power walked to where she was playing. "Little Girl!" I shouted, trying my best not to sound too harsh. I hated reprimanding her, but sometimes it had to be done. The closer I got, the more clearly I saw.

Little Girl continued playing with the toy, not even acknowledging me. The toy, however, wasn't like anything I'd seen before. It looked like a dog... A strangely shaped dog at that. She wasn't exactly chewing on it either. She was acting like it was a real live dog, wanting to play.

Just as I went to snatch it up and find it's owner, a curly haired blonde boy came running up. "Dammit, Ketchup, there you are!" He shouted, with an adorable Australian accent, might I add. His pace slowed as he got closer, stopping next to me.

"Is this your dog?" He asked, motioning to Little Girl. I was a bit confused, hesitating before answering. "Uhh... y-yes. That's my dog." I looked back and forth between the blonde boy and the "dog toy." What was going on here? "And, um, this is your dog?" I asked nervously.

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