Five Nights At Mikey's || Michael X Reader

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"So, you don't believe that I could last a whole hour and a half of a scary movie?" I asked Michael, a challenging tone in my voice.

He chuckled, swallowing his last bite of pizza. "Well, (Y/N), considering you get scared easily and always say no to scary movies, yes. I find it hard to believe you could sit through a whole movie."

Michael and I had gone out for pizza for lunch like any other day. I don't know if you know this, but we've been dating for quite a while. Today, we started talking about movies. It was a normal, fun conversation, and then Michael had to go and joke about my low tolerance for scary things.

"You wanna bet on that?" I challenged, stealing a piece of pepperoni off of his pizza slice.

"Aw, come on now. I'm not going to put you through that." He thought I was testing him. This time I stole his whole slice right out of his hand, leaving him looking surprised.

"I'm serious."

"You stole my pizza!" He interrupted, and I couldn't help smiling. I raised my eyebrows. "I'll give this back to you once you agree to watch a scary movie with me." I told him, practically waving the pizza in his face. 

"Fine! We'll watch one!" He caved, snatching the pizza out of my hand and stuffing it in his mouth. I giggled. "If I win and get through the movie, you have to kiss me. Those are my terms."

"Might as well back out now cause I could give you a kiss right now." He said with a mouthful of pizza. I cocked an eyebrow. "I'll pass." That response received a teasing smile.


We were about thirty minutes into Friday the 13th, one of the classic horror films according to Michael. It honestly wasn't that bad... At first.

Throughout the movie, Michael kept suddenly shaking my shoulders, saying, "Scared yet?" I would then hit him in the gut as a response.

"Why don't these people just leave if this Jason guy is trying to kill them?" I asked, trying not to show him that the movie was starting to freak me out. I mean, this guy wears a freaking hockey mask and carries a chainsaw. Not to mention he's chasing these people and trying to murder them. If that were me, I would've had a panic attack and died right then.

"They kind of make it seem like there's no escape when really it's just horror movie logic. Always with the bad decisions." He gave a disapproving head shake.

Suddenly the music got all intense. A girl was walking down some hallway, very slowly. She looks absolutely terrified and is being very cautious. Then BOOM! Jason jumps out of nowhere and murders her. What's worse was that at that exact moment, Michael shook my shoulders.

I nearly jumped five feet off the couch and immediately buried my face in Michael's chest. I felt like I was going to cry but tried to hold it back. I could still hear the scary music and terrified-beyond-belief screams.

"Hey." Michael tightened his grip around me comfortingly. Then slowly tears began to fall. "Turn it off." I whispered. I felt him reach for the remote, and the light from the TV disappeared, along with the horrible sounds and screams.

"Hey, it's okay. It's over." He cooed, slowly lifting my face up. "It's just a movie."

"I should've known I couldn't get through it. I should've known this would happen. I-" I cried, getting interrupted as Michael lifted my face to his and softly kissed my lips.

"Why'd you do that? I lost the bet."

"I don't care about a stupid bet. You're my girlfriend, (Y/N), and I'll always be there for you." I smiled as he gave me another kiss on the forehead. We decided to watch something happy after that, so for the rest of the night we watched Spongebob Squarepants.

**For those of you that have seen Friday the 13th a million times, please don't comment about how what I wrote never happened. I don't wanna hear that. I know it most likely isn't accurate but I haven't seen very many horror movies and didn't want to write about one of the few that I have seen. Friday the 13th is well-known and popular so I figured I would just go with that. I tried to not write too many details about the movie so it wouldn't sound stupid since I've never seen it. XD Hope you guys liked it though :)**

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2015 ⏰

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