Amnesia || Calum X Reader

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"Come on, (Y/N)! Kick it! I'm not scared of you!" Calum shouted from the goal. When you first started dating, Calum was really surprised to learn that you like soccer. You weren't exactly a fan of his band when the two of you met, meaning you hadn't really heard his music, so you didn't know he used to be a soccer player. You couldn't believe Australia had wanted him to represent them and that he just gave that up. After meeting the guys, though, and hearing his music, you understood why he did it.

Today, you were playing yet another harmless game of soccer. He was the goalie, at the moment, and you were trying to score on him. "Shut your hole, Hood!" You shouted, swerving around the field with the ball at your feet. He was pretty good at estimating where you were going to kick the ball, so as soon as you turned to the right side of the field, preparing to shoot, he moved to the left corner of the goal.

"Just kick it already! I'm getting old over here!" You rolled your eyes, pulling your leg back and kicking the ball as hard as you could. It went high, higher than you expected, though it was still going into the goal. Calum jumped to head it out, but the impact was so strong that it knocked him backwards into the goal post, making a loud BING! as his head made contact.

"Oh my God, Calum!" You shouted, running to him as he fell to the ground, slumping over. His eyes were closed, and he was out cold. You put your hand on the back of his head where you felt a really bad bump. He winced at your touch but didn't wake up. "Shit." You muttered. There was no way you were carrying him anywhere so you ran to the bleachers to retrieve your phone and called the guys.

"Hey, (Y/N)." Luke's voice answered. "How's the game going?"

"Calum's hurt." You told him, pretty much answering his question.

"What?" He asked, shocked. "What happened?" You heard Michael's voice. Luke must have put you on speaker.

"We were just playing soccer, and I kicked the ball, and he jumped to block it, but the force was too strong, and it knocked him into the goal post, and he's unconscious and has a really bad bump on his head. He winced when I touched it so I'm guessing it hurts pretty bad." You were pretty much just babbling now, you were freaking out so much.

"Alright, we're on our way." Luke confirmed, hanging up. You sighed, walking back over to Calum to wait for Luke, Michael, and Ashton.


Calum wouldn't wake up no matter what any of you did so you had no choice but to take him to the hospital. He may have a concussion. The doctor and nurses made you and the guys wait outside though.

Luckily, it didn't take them long to come back out. The diagnosis was that he had a mild concussion, and the reason he wouldn't wake up was because he was in a slight coma. They said he should wake up at any minute though, and once they ran a couple more tests after he did, he could come home.

They were right. About ten minutes later, he woke up. Unfortunately, it wasn't as great of a reunion as you thought.

"Hey, Cal. Glad to see you're awake. I don't know if you remember, but you had a bit of an accident." Ashton greeted him.

"An accident?" He looked around the room, confused, especially when his eyes landed on each of you. "Wait, do I know you people?" All four of you looked at each other with worried expressions.

"Calum, don't you remember? Luke, Michael, and Ashton? Your bandmates?" Luke asked.

"I'm in a band?"

"Yes. An amazing band." You answered, knowing you would have to try as hard as you could to jog his memory. "Who are you?" He asked.

"That's your girlfriend, mate." Michael replied. "(Y/N)."

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