Thou Looketh So Perfect (AU part 2) || Luke X Reader

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Luke's POV

It was late, and it was dark. Calum and I had left the party in a rush. I was both glad and sad that we had to leave so soon. Glad because I didn't want to be the cause of another fight with the Cliffords. When I was leaving, I glanced back at (Y/N) just in time to see Michael Clifford storming up to her. If I had stayed, I don't know how that would have gone. I was also sad, though, because I wanted to spend more time with (Y/N). I had only just met her, but I couldn't stop thinking about her. She was probably the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, and I honestly didn't care if our families were feuding. We would be together.

Calum was driving us home. The car was silent. No music, no talking, no nothing. All that silence left me to muse in my thoughts. That probably wasn't good for any of us. Especially since all I could think about was seeing (Y/N) again. Did she want to see me again? How would we ever make a plan to meet up? What if we got caught? I didn't care if I got punished for seeing her, I was just worried that something bad might happen to her since she was already set up to marry someone.

"Luke!" Calum shouted, separating me from my thoughts. I jumped, picking my head up off the window and sitting up straight. "W-What?!" I exclaimed, confused at his tone. Had he been trying to talk to me?

"Did you even hear me?" I guess that answers that. I stared at him, not saying a word. "What the hell is going on up there?" He asked, a bit annoyed.

I didn't think twice. Without answering him, I threw the door open, sprinting out of the car. Calum came to an abrupt stop, shouting after me. "What the fuck?! Where are you going?!" When I didn't answer and kept running, "Luke!"

I knew where the Cliffords lived, since I was just there, and I had a pretty good idea of where (Y/N)'s room was. I was going to see her.


Reader's POV

I felt lonely and bored, trying to occupy myself by doing a few chores around my room. I had made my bed and re-made it already. I hung up the clothes that had just been washed. I straightened some things around my room. I tried everything, but no matter what I did I couldn't stop thinking about Luke. He was unlike anyone I had ever met, especially Ashton. Ashton and I were just so different, and I felt like Luke and I belonged together.

Tired of trying to get my mind off of Luke, I just sat down on my bed and let my mind wander. What was he doing right now? Did he want to see me again? Did he really mean it when he said I was beautiful? Images of his gorgeous blue eyes kept popping up in my head. I imagined what it would be like to kiss those beautiful pink lips.

I jumped, startled by a noise outside my window. I paused, staring at the window, waiting for it to happen again. Out of nowhere, something soft and in the shape of a ball hit my window. I slowly got up, walking over to it. As I got closer, I heard a very loud whisper, "(Y/N)!" I looked out the window, and there he was. Luke Hemmings... with no shoes on.

I opened the window, sticking my head out. "Luke?!" I exclaimed, trying to remain quiet so he wouldn't be caught. "What are you doing?" I asked him.

"I had to see you again."

"No, I understand that. Why aren't you wearing shoes?"

He looked down, letting out a quiet chuckle. "I didn't want to throw rocks at your window. Those could break it... So, I threw socks instead." He bent down to retrieve his balled up socks and then put them back on, slipping his shoes on as well.

I giggled, blushing slightly. We hardly even knew each other, but he was already being such a gentleman to me. "Luke Hemmings, you are insane."

"I see you've learned my name."

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