Chapter 4

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After the weekend ended I was excited to attend school.

This morning I woke up and called Hina to ask her to walk to school together, and she agreed and also said she is bringing a new friend.

I step out of my house and see Hina standing with a beautiful blonde girl next to her.

"Hi girls!" I said as happy as ever.

"Good morning Emiko you seem happy today." said Hina with her soft smile.

"Haha I am very happy!"

"Hi Emiko-Chan I'm Sano Emma, it's so nice to finally meet to." Said the gorgeous blonde.

Wait. Sano?

"O-oh! Are you Mikey's si-

"Yes I am!" Said Emma smiling at me.

"I didn't know Mikey has a sister you definitely got the better genes! You're beautiful." I said admiring her looks.

"You're so sweet thank you, I can't believe Mikey was able to find such a beautiful and sweet girl to make his girlfriend."

We started walking to school.

"I am not his girlfriend... yet" I added nervously.

"Yet?!" Said Hina with exaggeration.

"Do you like him Emiko?"
Both Emma and Hina asked that at the same time.

I know how I feel about Mikey but I don't know if I can admit it.

"I- I- I love him..."

"HUHHHHH??!!!" Yelled Emma and Hina with the most shocking expression ever.

"YOU LOVE MIKEY?"asked Emma.

"SHHHHH!! yes I do. He makes me feel like the most loved person in the world and I think about him every single second of the day. I want to be with him."

"That's great Emiko I'm so happy for you! Emma said happily.


School ended and I changed my clothes from my uniform to my after school outfit because Hina wanted to go out.

I wore a white cropped spaghetti top with black mid waist jeans.

Walking out of school we see Takemitchi, Draken and Mikey.

"Hey guys over here!" Yelled Takemitchi.

We walk up to them and greet them.

Mikey's smile faded when he saw me.

I tilt my head and ask "what's wrong?"

"Did you wear that to school?" He asked madly.

"No. I changed" I said confusingly

"Why did you change? You're going to go out like that?" he said getting mad more by the second.

"Yes I am! Why are you so mad? I'm going shopping with Hina and I wanted to look nice." I said raising my voice.

"Look nice for who?" He questioned.

I could already tell he was assuming things but little does he know I enjoy games like this.

"Someone" I said proudly raising my head.

"Huh? Who? Is he in a gang? Has he touched you?" He said while getting closer to me. Mikey put his hand on my head and leveled it, my head wasn't raised anymore, then he removed it.

"I'm not telling you anything." I said while sticking out my tongue.

I grab Hina and walk away.

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