Wait- WhAt?!

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"Nico?" Esperanza asked while we were standing on Half-Blood Hill.


"I'm scared." 

"Of what?" I chuckled.

"I've never been down here before. I've never gone to Camp-Half Blood. I've never even walked on the Earth from down here. What if people don't like me? What if I say something wrong and everybody hates me? What if-"

"None of that is going to happen. Trust me. We're demigods. We're used to this- whatever this is. Plus, you'll be great friends with the 7, Calypso, Reyna, and Rachel too." I reassured her.

"If you say so. And Nico?"

"Mhm?" I ask again.

"I'll answer all your questions when I'm ready. None of them will be left unanswered, don't worry."

I don't know how she did that. She knew exactly what I was thinking. Leave it to Esperanza to surprise you anytime. 

We walked down Half-Blood Hill in the last hours of daylight that remained, and honestly, right now I was scared of her presence. She looked powerful, strong, even terrifying. Seriously though, how long had she been there?
When she saw the cabins, Esperanza literally freaked.
She looked so darn happy I thought Percy's happiness when he saw blue food was nothing compared.

When Hazel spotted us, (she was visiting) she ran so fast, I could barely move in time before she bear-hugged me; Hazel was, obviously, generally faster than me.

Then  Hazel looked at Esperanza. 
"Hi! I'm Hazel Levesque and I'm your half-sister! Since I am a daughter of Pluto."

"The Roman equivalent of Hades? Hmmm... That explains your eyes. They're the most beautiful shade of gold I've seen in quite a long time."

Hazel blushed; really hard. Let me tell you. Hazel. Doesn't. Blush. Not even for me or Frank. Esperanza should be honored.

Hazel quickly got over this and smiled. Then tackled Esperanza into another bear-hug.

I thought Esperanza would be extremely happy, but for some reason she pulled away immediately.

"What are you doing?!" She screamed/asked

"I- I- I w-was hugging y-you." Hazel said, glassy eyed.

"A hug? A hug. I see. I apologize. It has been an extremely long time since anybody has shown me physical affection. However, if they are more common now, I shall try my best to get accustomed to them." Esperanza apologized.

"W-Wait. So you haven't been ever been hugged?"

"No. My father had rarely shown me any affection, and my mother passed away right after my birth. I never knew her. Shortly after, I was banished to Tartarus. You can quite imagine 'hugs' wouldn't be given without a knife in your back."


"May I hug you? Please?" Hazel asked, yet again glassy eyed.

Esperanza pondered over this for a moment, and then allowed her. Hazel hugged her and cried on her shoulder.

"Pat pat pat. There there." Esperanza comforted her during her awkward hug.

Hazel broke the hug and looked at her. Esperanza looked at her confusedly, and Hazel began to laugh..

"What was that supposed to mean?" She said between giggles. YES. I REPEAT, HAZEL GIGGLED.

"I have never been taught emotional comfort. Thus I know not of 'hugs', and 'reassurance' these days.  I would like to research," then she turned to us, "Do you have an archive storing this vital piece of information?"

We all laughed so hard, Percy had to be judo-flipped by Annabeth to make him stop.

"What's so hilarious about me asking for your library?"

"Esperanza, you can't be taught 'how to hug' or 'how to comfort', you feel it. You don't research it, it just comes to you. Secondly, why do you talk like you've been born in like the 1900's?! Even I don't talk like that. And I'm like 90 years old or something."

"That's because I have been banished to Tartarus for over a century and a half." Esperanza said nonchalantly.

Uhm- ExCuSE mE, WhAT?!

"WHAT?!" All of us said in unison.

"Well, you did ask for how long I've been around for, so I answered. You do know that 1 year in Tartarus equal 10 years on Earth right? Plus, you don't age in Tartarus. So I still look like an 18 year old."

"I still have several other questions."

"And I'm here to answer them. But I'll answer them only after I get to know everybody here better. And when everyone, and by that I mean EVERYONE is here. I get tired when I repeat the same story over and over again."

"All right. Then you can tell us the stories during the Camp-fire. Each camp is present there. Meanwhile Annabeth and Hazel can give you a tour of the Camp. I'll be in Cabin 13 with the guys if you need me." I replied.

I sounded fine but I felt like becoming a corn cob again. Lesser drama.

"You mean show you the story." She corrected.

"Uhm- Whatever you say, I guess. And please change, looking at you makes me feel like I'm looking at a Goddess, and I feel like I have to be formal." I said.

With a snap of her fingers, she transformed into the worn-out clothes she had on before her crowning. Must be the only pair she had I suppose. Fair enough, but the scars were still making me uneasy.

We all headed our ways, and I could tell by the expressions on the guys' faces, they were thinking about the same thing. WHO WAS SHE, REALLY?!

"WHO THE HECK IS THIS KID?!" Percy asked me.

"Search me. I remind you I've only known her for a few hours. I'm still confused about everything." I replied.


"Please don't get the wrong ideas about her. I know she's weird and different and she hasn't even been 'down' to Earth before, as she said. Where was she before? In the Heavens? Nevermind. Just know that- before you do something irrational, she's only human too. Don't judge her before you know the full story." Will said.

"I hope you're right Will. I hope so. Right now I can only wait for the Camp-fire."

-------------------------------------TIME SKIP-----------------------------------

Hahaha. Nope.

1032 words, just so you know. 

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I'm gonna leave now 'cause this has been long enough, and I'm tired.

So bye.

Bella Ciao!

The Daughter of Hades~ By Bella HearthstoneWhere stories live. Discover now