The Full Picture

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Esperanza POV: (hehe, new one)

After Dinner at the Dining Pavillion, I was asked many, many questions. 
But I couldn't answer any of them. Not yet.

I had to wait patiently to show them. Telling them won't do me any good, especially since they wouldn't believe me.



I mean- I know I couldn't eat ALL that. Obviously, a few bites were enough to sustain me for the rest of the night and the day afterwards, because my body had just gotten so used to such a horrible routine that it would take a really long time for me to settle back in on my eating habits. Something tells me that it would be easier here. Hehe. 

All of the demigods here are so nice. Especially the 7. I even had a chance to meet Rachel and Calypso. Rachel's the Oracle, and she paints so well! The cave walls look so spectacular! Calypso seems nice. But she's very possessive of Leo. But I don't mind. At least, I hope I don't, because then it would just be really weird and awkward. I'll try better to be more friendly. Clarise is sooooo cool with all her daggers and spears and what not. But I really like her spear.

Jason and Piper are awesome too. They're so adorable. Frank and Hazel are honestly a poster couple. Leo even showed me around Bunker 9! His workshop is HUGE! He even said he'd fix my sword and daggers for me! Calypso glared daggers at me, however. I'm sure it's because of me and not because her heel is aching. But I still don't get why Leo's being this friendly? Steer clear from the Valdez boy if you seek peace from the Ex-Titaness if you ask me. 

Annabeth did such an amazing job on the Cabins, Percy has good taste. Speaking of which, Percy is such a goofball. Annabeth is really wise and Percy is a Seaweed Brain (As Annabeth would say). No wonder Aphrodite paired them up. They're made for each other.

Will showed me the Infirmary too. I visited all the Cabins, but the Aphrodite Cabin is my worst nightmare. Way too PINK! I don't necessarily hate the colour, but too much of it gives me a headache for some reason. I'm making my way to the Amphitheatre right now.
Wish me luck.

I mentally scolded myself when I made eye contact with Chiron and Dionysus. They just looked at me coldly like they always had after I was given my powers. Such a puppet in their hands they are.

When everybody has gathered around, I decided to extract my memories.

"Hi! Well. You've only seen me at a very weird point in my life through IM,  when I was dying on my knees in Tartarus at the hands of two Primordials." A pretty good starter if you ask me.

"So, to clear up any questions you may have in your minds, I'll show you how I was till I was banished to Tartarus. Even a few years after, till I was rescued."

"Do tell me how you would 'show' your memories," Nico asked.

"It's going to play like a movie. DUH. I'm going to extract my memories and they're going to give you clips of what happened."

Nico said it didn't make sense.

"Is it painful?"

"Very, it's like your brain being torn into half and then burnt by Greek Fire. Only a few children of Mnemosyne can channel this power."

"Ouch." Said Will.

"I have to concentrate, don't disturb me or I'd go insane and start sending people to Tartarus."

"Literally, or metaphorically?"

"Quite literally."

"Double ouch." This time it was Percy.

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