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The night felt so cold outside the deranged hut as Essien, held her body tightly. She hadn't been feeling too well for the past couple of weeks and had been throwing up ever since. Her mother knew nothing about this illness and her father wasn't a part of this world to take note of her body change.

The only one who knew about this was Idara, a good friend of hers and Idara had promised to take her to a native healer to help with her predicament.

Essien was scared and that was the reason she could not sleep. She sensed some reasons to her illness but hoped it wouldn't be true. She didn't want to disgrace her mother nor defile the land.

A mosquito flew and stunk her on her skin which brought Essien back to reality. What a world. She got up from the little stool she sat on and reached for the Lantern before her. She opened it a bit and blew the burning light out before bending her back to move into the hut. No matter how much she think all night, it wouldn't change fate.


The next morning, Essien woke up with the sound of the first cock crawl. Her mother probably would still be in bed and Essien, had plans with Idara. Essien brought out one of her long gowns with lesser holes and wore it on. She planned on going to the stream to have her bath once she got back.

"Mma!" Essien crawled out of her hut while calling her mother. Though her mother didn't respond, Essien knew she heard her. All this, Essien spoke in Efik. "I'm going to the bush to fetch fire woods."

This was a lie - partially, Essien thought. She wasn't going to the bush to fetch fire woods. She was going over to Idara so they could meet up with the native healer. But Essien knew she couldn't come home empty handed so she knew she'd go to the bush at the end of the day.

Without a response from her mother, Essien set to meet Idara. Idara had already told Essien were to meet up and it was easier that way. Essien finally spotted Idara putting on an equally long gown but way sophisticated than Essien.

"My brother got me this from Britain," Idara bragged when she saw Essien gawking on her new gown. Idara's brother was one of the few selected by the English men to go over to the English country to serve. Her brother must be doing well now, knowing he sent this much to her.

"Are you scared?" Idara asked on their way to the native healer. Essien couldn't speak so she went with nodding her head. "It could be malaria. That disease grandfather said, killed so many white men."

"So I'm going to die?" Exclaimed Essien, but in a low tone and sharp breath.

"No, that's why we are seeing the native healer. No one knows about this except from Ebong." Essien stiffen from that name. How would she tell Idara?

They finally got to the shrine with several bamboo sticks and strings of long grass. Essien felt shivers up her spine and gulped. Coweries sounds filled the air and humming sounds sounded so sinister in the ear. Now, Essien was thinking if it was a good idea to be here.

"Welcome, my daughters!" A voice said but no one could be seen. "Do not be afraid, for I am only a healer."

A body revealed itself and a woman with a white silky wrapper emerged from the shadow. She had markings allover her and also looked scattered. Essien wondered if she was truly a healer.

"Come in, but take off your slippers." Warned the healer. "For where you step in, is a holy ground."

Essien and Idara shared a look but took off their slippers. They walked slowly and sat on a lower tool while looking up at the healer.

 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐃 (𝐀 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧-𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐝 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥) ✔Where stories live. Discover now