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           - Third Person's POV -
There would be a double update today to make up for the lack of updates.

Four days after yet Yemi was so worried because things weren't going according to the way she planned it. Henry for days now, chose not to pick her calls. Since the shooting for their big movie was finally over, Yemi had no excuse to see him aside from interviews which they haven't had yet. She blamed these all on Hope.

It was all Hope's fault.

In the past, before Hope showed up, Henry was atleast tolerating her presence. He atleast picks her calls after her third trials and atleast went on outings with her after so much pestering. But now? Now Henry was giving her something way, way worst than the bare minimum.

Yemi was so frustrating she had to dial Christy's number. After their little chitchat the other day, both Christy and her began to hang out. Yemi found her skeptical and was extremely careful around her but at the same time Yemi craved company since she didn't have friends of her own and tolerated Christy.

"Girlfriend, what's up?" Christy said with a cherry tone. If only it was genuine, but it wasn't. To Christy, Yemi was still the bleaching queen, living under her y/n life with Henry.

Christy indeed didn't like Yemi, not one bit. But she preferred Yemi to have Henry over Cherry. Atleast if Cherry was out of the picture, she would know how to handle Yemi.

She thought Yemi was so great and mighty but these past few days made her analyse Yemi. It turned out Yemi was someone with no friends and in need of a girl mate. Yemi though didn't look naive, was so naive with her brain. She swayed easily to people's advice no matter how wrong it sounds and Christy was so going to use that to her advantage.

"Henry's refusing to pick my calls, he's refusing to see me to—" Yemi broke down into tiny sobs, unable to finish her statement.

"Oh poor you," Christy said with fake sympathy. "Where are you?"

"At my place, why?" Yemi took a tissue and blew her nose.

"I'm coming over!" Of course Yemi did not object. Christy had been in her place twice. One more time wouldn't hurt.

Three hours past and Yemi saw the door leading to her sitting room, pushed open. Christy was dressed in a skimpy coffee brown gown that showed all her curves, leaving little to the imagination of the mind. She walked, swaying her hips over to Yemi that had already stopped crying hours ago but still felt down. Yemi allowed herself to be hugged by Christy, before the latter sat beside her.

"I don't know what to do Christabelle," Yemi lamented with pure sadness. "If it wasn't for that wicked friend of yours, I would still be happy with Henry!"

"I know, I know." Christy sighed, patting Yemi's back soothingly. "Cherry's such a witch."

"How did you stand her? How did you stand such a friend?" Yemi faced Christy. "I'm awful but even I can't do something like that. I better have no friend than a friend like her."

"Peer group influence?" Christy shrugged, brushing the question off. "Cherry is a very very bad friend. It's obvious she must have given Henry something to eat to make him this stupid."

"What?!" Yemi's thunderous voice shocked Christy, as she sprinted up and glared daggers at the latter. "Did you just call my boyfriend stupid?"

"N-no," Christy stuttered as she gulped down the lump in her throat. "I meant what she gave him might be the reason he's acting....."  Christy trailed the last part as she was scared to continue. Yemi was still a celebrity, a very famous one at that. She didn't want to get on her bad side.

"Never use stupid and my boyfriend's name in the same sentence. Do you hear me?!" Christy nodded slowly but very sharply to show that every word was taking seriously.

"But," Christy moved closer to Yemi, once she had calmed down and tried to have her way again. "I have a way of you getting your boyfriend back."

"Which is?" Yemi asked, curiosity enveloping her.

Christy leaned over and whispered something into Yemi's ear. After several nodding of head from Yemi's part, her eyes shown widely as she snapped. "What?!"

"Why are you shouting?" Christy asked, feeling annoyed by her actions. No wonder, she usually dealt with babies that do not know what to do and not what to do. It just occurred to her that both Yemi and Hope were of the same age.

"I can't do that, that's absorb. Why would you even suggest that!" Yemi rejected Christy's plan without hesitating.

"Yemisi," Christy called tirelessly. "You got to fight fire with fire. You just can't sit and let another girl take your man."


"You won't hurt her, you'd just be teaching her a lesson." Christy was as corny as a fox. She'd always been but only to those she thought was no longer worth her while. She watched Yemi face morphed into various expressions, as she thought deep into Christy's words.

Right from when Christy was little, she hated when others took something she was interested in, that was her superiority complex. It would have been different if it was just a normal crush, but it wasn't. A normal crush meant never meeting Henry for real and just admiring him from afar or meeting him with bunch of fan girls.

But this didn't happen.

Christy did meet him up close and Cherry was there. Christy did speak to him and Cherry was there. Christy did have dinner with him which unfortunately was shared with Cherry. Henry was at arms length but Cherry was always there to ruin things for her. But right now, Christy won't let him go. Not for Cherry, not for Yemi.

Cherry was like a bad tooth in one's mouth, the main problem. If she could get rid of Cherry, getting rid of Yemi would be a piece of cake.

Yemi seemed to be done with her dilemma and had settled for an answer which made Christy anxious. She wanted it to be in her favour.

"Okay," Yemi breathed. "How do we execute your plan?"

Christy could breathe again as a sinister smile formed across her lips before she leaned in to whisper words into Yemi's ears.


What do you think of this chapter?

Of Yemi?

Of Christy?

And what do you think they're planning.

Second update in a sec.

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Word count : 1113


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