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            — Henry's POV —

Above is our Dorcas

Happy Sunday ❤🙏

My heart kept pounding for some unknown reason and the only thing serving as a distraction was the champaign I kept sipping from the wine glass. It helped at some point, but only at some point. I won't say anything happened between Hope and I but the feeling whenever he was around was... "This is weird."

"Of course it is," Jackson said, concentrating on his phone. "Baby just sent an audio of him rapping on whatsapp and he's pretty damn good. How can a rapper called Baby be this good?"

I rolled my eyes. "I was talking about Hope and the feeling I told you about."

Jackson gave me a small glance. "Oh dude, that's completely normal." No it wasn't, but Jackson seemed more invested in Baby's rapping skills. I only let out a groan and leaned back on the couch. Maybe I was only over thinking things.

The show in TV started to gain my attention but that was short lived when Hope walked down the stairs in a white short sleeve that drape over his left shoulder, showing off perfectly smooth shoulder blade and Jean short that stopped barely above his knees. It didn't occur to me that I was staring, until his eyes met mine and he placed his hand at the back of his neck to rub it awkwardly.

"Sorry sir, but I wanted to get a bottle of water." He said in that deep voice of his that always sounded forced. Unlike his previous room, this new one didn't have a mini fridge. Jackson must have thought the little conversation I was having with Hope was far more interesting than his phone, as his eyes darted from mine to Hope.

"Alright," I responded, which gave Hope enough strength to move to the kitchen. Seeing Hope move to the kitchen, I began to wonder if letting Hope stay here was a good idea.

"Why are you touching your heart?" Jackson asked within laughs. I wasn't, but that doesn't mean my heart wasn't pounding.

"Does he remind you of someone?" I asked instead.

"No..." Jackson dragged, but his face said otherwise. "Is he supposed to?" He brought his wine glass close to his mouth to have a drink.

"Cherry," Jackson choked on his drink, coughing several times to clear it off his throat.

"What?" He gasped, but it wasn't loud.

"Cherry, Hope." I furrowed my brows at his sudden reaction. "They both have distinct features."

Jackson gave a slight shrug and all of a sudden, the center rug felt more interesting to him than our conversation. "Might be related."

I let it go and just focused on the TV. I guess I only felt this way for Hope because he reminded me of Cherry. That definitely explained things.


The next day, Jackson decided to accompany me to the new set. Once I arrived, Dorcas saw me almost immediately. We made eye contact but since she was talking to the director about things unknown to me, she couldn't come over.

"Whenever I see your sister, I'm always reminded of why your taste in girls are high." Jackson mumbled, as he eyed Dorcas. She was putting on a free top which she had tucked in a full length tight jean, which showed the endowed shape she got from mother. Yes, I came from a family with great looks and great body proportion. That seemed to be an achievement thanks to my parents genes.

"Can you please stop looking at my sister in such manner?" I snapped a bit. "First Olamide and now Dorcas."

"Come on," Jackson placed his hands on my shoulders. "I've always got eye on both sisters. But since Ola is married which is a bummer by the way, I've got to look at just Dorcas. It's a shame you both are related, cause she's more beautiful than all those girls. You could digged her."

 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐃 (𝐀 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧-𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐝 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥) ✔Where stories live. Discover now