Chapter 5 (Edited)

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Christopher's POV
Time passed quickly today, after watched a few movies Kieran came in with dinner "Dinner tonight is steak and potatoes, enjoy!" He smiled giving us our food "ThankYou Kieran!" Benji smiled taking one of the plates "You're welcome Benji! How come he has such good manners and you don't?" Kieran asked "Fuck off." He stuck his tongue out at me and left, dramatic much? "Why are you so mean Chrissy?!" Benji pouted as he ate "He's my best friend Puppy, of course I'm gonna be a dick to him" I chuckle seeing Benji blush at the word 'dick' "Why are you blushing puppy? You've sucked a dick multiple times, you shouldn't be blushing at the word 'dick' now finish your food, the pack meeting starts in half an hour" he just nods and keeps eating.

-Time skip!-

I walked into the meeting hall, Benji trailing behind me holding the back of my shirt. I heard Kieran announce my name I walked on to stage "Come on Puppy.." I quickly say to him and as soon as people say me everyone was yelling 'Alpha!' It was kinda annoying.. "Hello everyone, I know I've been gone for awhile, but now that I'm back everything is going back to normal" I simply say "Alpha, who's that boy?!" Multiple people asked and I just smiled, pulling Benji in front of me "This is my mate Benjamin! He's the reason I was gone so long and he's human. But just because he's human doesn't mean he's not any less than you, he's your Luna and my mate. And anyone who disrespects Benjamin, is disrespecting me!" I growled as I wrapped my arms around Benji and pulled him into my chest "Yes alpha!" Everyone yelled. The meeting went on, boring as usual, as one point Benji fell asleep and I picked him up. Everyone awed! "Meeting adjourned" I said quickly and carried my puppy to my room, I sat him on the bed taking off his shoes and hat leaving him in his white collared shirt and pink sweater "Good night puppy.." I kiss his nose, pulling the blanket over the both of us.

-In the morning-

Benjamin's POV
I slowly woke up feeling the sun on my skin, I look over at Chrissy, but he wasn't in bed, I then heard a door open which I'm guessing was Chrissy leaving the bathroom "Morning puppy" he smiled, and I sat up "Morning Chrissy..." I yawn getting out of bed slowly "Come on, let's go have breakfast" he starts to walk towards the door before I stopped him "Shouldn't I change my clothes first? And you're only wearing sweatpants, where's your freaking shirt?!" I tell him making him laugh "Who cares... I'm hungry!" He walked back over to me, picking me up "C-Chrissy put me down!" We got downstairs and went to the dining room, the table was giant, big enough to fit every adult in the pack (There's a kids table, anyone under 16 is at that table.) there was breakfast foods covering the table and everyone is here... I quickly shoved my face in Chrissy's chest to try and hide myself, I suddenly heard everyone go "aww!" "Puppy, everyone thinks you're adorable" he whispered carrying me to the head of the table where two empty chairs sat. Chrissy sat me in one before sitting beside me "What would you like to eat puppy?" He said quietly so no one else heard "Can I have pancakes and strawberries please...?" I ask making him smile "Of course pup" pup, seriously?! He put a plate of pancakes covered in cut up strawberries and chocolate syrup in front of me "Thanks Chrissy!" I didn't realize how loud I said that. "Aww... did you hear what he called him??" "That's so cute!!" I heard some people say as I blush lightly "Want some orange juice?" I looked up hearing a voice to the left of me, it was Teagan "Oh um... y-yes please" she smiled and poured some orange juice into a cup and sat it in front of me "Thank you Teagan" I smile before I start eating. Chrissy talked to some pack members during breakfast, but I mainly stayed quiet and ate, occasionally talking to Samber who was sitting to my right with Kieran "Puppy, do you want to go back upstairs now? I have some work to do, so you can come with me to my office if you want" Chrissy leaned over and said to me "Ok!" I smiled as he quickly picked me up, leaving the room "Did you enjoy breakfast?" I just nodded and snuggled into his chest as he walked to our room "Get changed and then we'll go to my office" I nod and go to my bag, pulling out a gray barre with cat ears, a red and black outfit that looked like a Japanese school uniform and some pastel-colored Nike sneakers.

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