Chapter 9 (Edited)

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Hi everyone! I'm so sorry it took so long to update but I've been very busy and I'm not to good at schedules, but I'm going to try to update more often! Hope you enjoy this chapter and please let me know what you think. :D

Christopher's POV
I slowly open my eyes feeling the sun beam down on me, I look down smiling at the fact that Benji looks so cute when he's sleeping and using my chest as a pillow. The sleepiness starts to leave me as I sit up a bit, trying not to wake my little puppy since he was so tired yesterday after his first ever heat wave he needs the sleep, I look around and notice a tray table next to the nest filled with food that was most likely left there by Kieran and Samber.

I carefully move him off me and get up to put some underwear and pants on "Alpha.. where'd you go?" I turn back to look at Benji, his eyes are still closed but he's awake, we'll mostly awake, I pull on the sweat pants and make my way of to the table of food "Just getting some food pup, Kieran and Samber left some for us so I don't have to leave you" I answered, Benji slowly sits up as a speak, still not opening his eyes "What kinda food..?" He mumbled, rubbing his eyes "There's some berries, small cakes, sandwiches and also some cans of drink." I fill a small bowl with blackberries, knowing they're his favourite, I also grab a small mint cake and two cans of sprite.

"Here" I hold the cake out to him, now that he's finally opened his eyes. He looks so fucking cute, my hoodie practically swallowing him up and his messy hair that looks like it needs to be dyed again "Are those blackberries?" He asks, mouth full of cake, I chuckle and nod "Yeah." He quickly grabs the bowl and proceeds to shove a hand full of berries into his mouth, i sit next to him and open the cans of sprite, taking a sip from one claiming it as my drink. "I didn't think I'd be this hungry" Benji croaked, his throat must be sore "here, drink." I hold out the can leaving no room for questions or refusal. He gives me a small smile that just made my heart ache in a wonderful way. I gave up on the idea of finding my mate awhile ago, but now that I have Benji.. I don't think I could ever spent a day away from my lovely little angelic pup.

Benji's POV
I take the can from Chris, my dry, sore throat loving how the sprite helped "You should probably rest some more, the next heat wave will probably come in the next hour or so" I love how husky his voice sounds when he's woken up. "Yeah... I guess so" I sigh, handing him the sprite and bowl of blackberries "Trust me you want to rest, Dallas keeps bothering me about wanting some... intimate time." I blush at that. I love Dallas and I don't get to spend much time with him, but he's a bit more.. aggressive... than Chrissy. We lay down, curling into him and trying to absorb as much of his scent as possible, closing my eyes makes me realize just how tried I actually am even though I slept for... I don't even know how long, heh.

Waking up, one of the first things I noticed was I was hot, just like earlier. I force my eyes open and look at Chrissy who was still sleeping, I whine nudging my face into his chest, making him shuffle a bit, but it wasn't enough to bring him to consciousness "Chrissy..." I peeped, not wanting to be too loud "Chris" I put my face in his neck, rubbing my nose along in nape making him groan quietly, I watched his eyes open tiredly, I continuously rubbed my nose and cheek against his nape "What is it puppy..?" there's his sleepy, husky voice again.. I just whine in response making him chuckle "Are you horny baby?" What kind of question is that? I'm literally in heat! "Don't look at me like that puppy.." his voice trailed off and suddenly I got his hand on my crotch "Chrissy..!" I moaned, trying to hide in his chest "Come on puppy, don't you want your alpha to make you feel good?" That made me look up. I whine once again "Gotta use your words pup" Chrissy smiled at me, I could see the adoration in his eyes, and it just makes me melt.

"Alpha.. please I need you.." I cried trying to rub myself against his hand that still hasn't moved "How could I ever say no to my stunning little mate" he smiled down at me before gripping onto my.. dick.. Just thinking of the word made me blush! He started moving his hand to where he was jerking me off, I continued to hide my face in his chest, I felt him nudge the hoodie I'm wearing with his nose, so it was no longer covering his mark, and then he licked it.

It just set something off inside of me, causing me to start moaning loudly and he licked the mark and gave me a hand job at the same time. "Alpha, alpha please I'm gonna.. I need to..." I couldn't even finish my sentences, I was too distracted by all the pleasure and attention my mate was giving to me. "So good puppy, doing so good. Cum for me Benji" he whispered to me and I could practically hear the smirk in his voice and he said those words that sent a chill up my spine. I could feel the knot in my stomach finally undo itself and he cum on myself and my alpha, moaning and whimpering the entire time as Chrissy continued to lick and suck at the mating mark that adorned my neck.

3rd person POV
As Benji finished released himself on the two of them, Chrissy pulled back from his puppy's neck and was able to take a proper look at the beautiful mating mark on Benji's nape and it was wonderful. It's the pack's symbol, a black wolf with a strange looking crescent moon between it's ears. The wolf had beautiful details and from it's fur came some wispy, smoking looking lines. Christopher could spent hours staring at the gorgeous mark on Benji's neck, his mark. Chris wanted to make sure that it was always visible, he wanted people to see his mark even if they weren't a werewolf he still wanted them to see the mark on his wonderful baby's neck. It let everybody know that this was his mate, his Benjamin, his puppy. And nothing would ever change that.

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