Chapter 11 (Edited)

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Christoper's POV

After finally getting Benji into some proper clothes, and by that, I mean he refuses to take off my hoodie, but he did put pants on so that's something! We went into out private kitchen, and I looked through the cupboards for something quick and easy to make. "How about pasta?" I suggest, turning back to look at Benji who was sitting on top of the kitchen island. "With cheese?" He smiles up at me, I knew he would ask that "I don't have any, but I'll go downstairs and see if the main kitchen has any." I respond, pulling the pack of pasta from the cupboard and putting it on the bench next to Benji. "Ok, let's go!" Benji hops down from the island and follows me to the door "You're going to follow me everywhere for a bit, aren't you?" I asked even though I'm pretty sure I know the answer. 

We went downstairs and found Samber and Kieran in the kitchen "Hey, nice to see you two again" Kieran smiled, holding a bag of popcorn while Sam tried to hide in his side, I don't remember when they started doing that, it's just something I've always seen them do no matter the situation. "Hi!" Benji is practically bouncing on the spot, omegas are always extremely happy and energetic after spending their first heat with their mates, but I wasn't sure if it would happen to Benji. it's called 'heat bliss'. "Nice to know that heat bliss effects Benji" Kieran laughed, and I swear I could see Sam silently giggling at their mate's "humor" I just sighed and pushed passed him. Benji hot on my tail as I go into the fridge in search of the cheese. "Me and Sammy are going to go for a run later, you guys want to join?" It would be nice to go for a run and let Dallas out 'I could give Benji a wolf ride!'  Dallas seems so excited, I can't say no. "Yeah, sounds good" I agreed, Benji seeming to have no disagreement and is mainly focused on finding the kind of cheese he wants "Benji what do you think?" He should still have a choice in this, I don't want to force him to go on the run if he doesn't want to. He looked up at me from his spot in front of one of the fridges, a bag of cheese in one hand as he shoves as much as he can into his mouth, he quickly swallowed to answer my question "We'll still eat first, right?" Benji asked, me and Kieran couldn't help but laugh at my mate's love for food "Yes pup, I'll still make you food" I assured. We made our way upstairs, Benji practically bounding up them. 

He sat on the kitchen island once more, watching me make pasta and making sure I add enough cheese to his bowl "Thankyou Chrissy!" He flashed me one of his adorable smiles as I hand him the bowl full of overly cheese filled pasta "So... how am I meant... to go on a run with... you?" Benji asked in between mouthfuls of what I'm pretty sure is his favorite food "Well, Dallas wants to give you a wolf ride" he looks at me confused, but his confusion doesn't stop him from eating "You'll sit on our back, Dallas will ensure that you're safe" I explain, reassuring him that he'll be safe "Sounds fun" he giggled, using his fork to scrap the gooey cheese stuck to the side of his bowl "Great, put some shoes on and we'll meet the others on front." 

We waited outside for a few minutes, Kieran and Samber soon joined us, and we made our way into the forest, the three of us undressed while Benji covered his flushed face and Kieran made sure to cover Samber from my sight, just like he does during group runs. Benji looked up once the sound of cracking bones stopped, his eyes just lit up seeing the three of us in our wolf forms, Dallas, who had taken control, was quick to knock our lovely pup to the ground and smother him with kisses which allowed Beni's wonderful little giggles to grace us with its presents, I had to remind Dallas that getting a hard on right now wouldn't be the best and that he'd have to wait until after the run to do anything 'you have to promise that I can have control after the run' Dallas does deserve some time with Benji. As we ran through the forest, Benji squealed with delight. Kieran and Samber behind us, allowing Dallas to focus on Benji and not what's in front of us, Dallas occasionally let out a bark of joy, relishing in the feeling of being the cause of our stunning mate's joy. After a while we circled back to the house, Dallas crouched down to let him off our back so we could shift back. Benji once again covered his face as we all shifted back and pulled our clothes on, Benji's face once again lit up like a Christmas tree. It was so fucking cute.

Dallas was badgering me the whole way up the stairs and into our room, I know that I promised, but does he not realize that Benji might not be in the mood right now? "You, ok?" I look up at Benji who was sitting on the edge of our bed slipping off his shoes "Uh, yeah it's just Dallas" I give him a lop-sided smile as I stand in front of him "Is he ok? Did he get hurt on the run?" Goddess he's so fucking caring, I have the most wonderful mate "He's been bothering me about getting some... alone time... with you" It took a minute but the look on Benji's face told me that he figured out what I meant "Oh... Well, I guess that makes sense, since he didn't get to... be with me... during my heat." It was nice to know that Benji cares about my wolf as well, Dallas is as much of Benji's mate as I am. "If Dallas wants, we could do something together later" Goddess he's so sweet to offer ' Say yes, say yes!' "He seems to really like that idea" I chuckle at my wolves' antics; I can just picture him jumping up and down over and over again, I guess I do owe him more time with Benji. Dallas has been talking about finding our mate ever since I turned 18 and met him, even when I was giving up on finding Benji, Dallas was there telling me all the amazing things we could do with our mate once we found him, and yet he's only gotten to spent time with our mate twice, today included. Benji is his mate too, he deserves to spend more time with him, and Benji should spend more time with Dallas, I've been selfishly keeping our mate from Dallas, from now on I'll try better to share Benji with my wolf. 

Benji's POV

Chrissy spent the rest of the day filling out paperwork, mostly going over schedules for training and border patrol, I sat under his desk. Not doing anything! For some reason I've liked hiding out in small spots like this, Samber said it's part of 'nesting instinct'. So, it's normal for me to want to get all cozy in my little hiding spots, Chrissy put some blankets and small pillows under here for me, he keeps saying that he wants to make me a proper set up under here, but until then I'm happy with the pillows and blankets. Kieran brought us our dinner, Chrissy got takeout from this Chinese food place in town, and he made sure to ask for no veggies in my fried rice! "Enjoying your food pup?" I look up from my food at the sound of Chrissy's voice, I beamed up at him, he was just staring down at me, and it makes me wonder just how long he's been staring. "It's very good, thanks Chrissy" I answered and quickly resumed shoving food into my mouth, I peeked at quick glance back up at him and caught him staring at me from the corner of his eye as he ate. He quickly looked away making me giggle at him "Are you laughing at me pup?" He was frowning, or trying to, Chrissy was having a hard time keeping a straight face and so was I "No! I would never laugh at my mate" I giggled again, trying to keep my pout, but I couldn't and ended up breaking out in giggles which in turn made Chrissy break out in laughs to. It took a few minutes, but we finally find it in ourselves to stop laughing "You nearly finished with your food?" He asked peering down at me, I nodded, and he took the container from me, dropping it in the bin. "Wanna head back to our room? I'm done with my work for tonight" I giggled and stood up, Chrissy rolling back in his chair to let me out of my spot. "Done all of it?" I crossed my arms and tried to look serious, but with Chrissy looking at me with that look in his eyes he seems to get every time he looks at me and only me. "I can do some of it tomorrow puppy, but right now Dallas is bothering me about his special time with you" that made my face light up, I want to spend time with Dallas, but I don't think I'll ever get used to hearing either of them talking about wanting to do... that..

We made it back to our room and I immediately collapsed onto the bed face first, my head shot up at the low growl that sounded throughout the room, before I could even think about looking at Chrissy, he was on top of me, but when I turned my body (As much as I could with him on top of me), I realized it wasn't Chrissy in control.

I'm so sorry for taking so long to post! I hope you guys liked this chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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