The Swedes Part 4

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Jake closed the door of the shipping container whilst Rosa opened a box. She lifted the lid up to reveal several diamonds.

"Ha ha! I guess we are the better team" said Rosa. She picked up a necklace. "Why do people like these things? They're just shiny rocks."

"Yeah, totally" said Jake.

"You should be happier. We found the jewels, we won" said Rosa.

"Yeah, you're right. We should celebrate. Why don't we go to a bar and drink in silence?" Jake said.

"Cool, sounds good" Rosa said.

"No, I was being a bitch. How did you not pick up on that?" Jake asked.

"What is your problem, man?" Rosa asked. 

"You didn't tell me about you and Marcus breaking up. We're supposed to be friends" said Jake.

"Wait, what? When?" asked y/n.

"You sound like Soren or Agneta, which ever the boy one is" said Rosa.

"Well, say what you want about them, but at least they communicate, you know? I've never even heard your slam poetry, Rosa" said Jake.

"Why do you all of a sudden care about every single little detail in my life?" asked Rosa.

"Because all we talk about is cop stuff. All right, and that was fine when we were twenty because that's all I cared about. But we're adults now and there are other things, like me and y/n and you and Marcus, that friends are supposed to talk about" said Jake.

"Well, I guess we're not friends then" said Rosa.

"Wow. All right, I guess we're not" said Jake. 

The truck that the shipping container was on began to move.

"Oh, uh-oh" said Jake as everyone grabbed onto the wooden shelves.

"We're moving" Rosa said.

"Oh, really?" asked Jake. "Thank you for sharing that intimate detail about your life."

"Jake" said Rosa.

"I know, we're screwed. I was being a bitch again" said Jake.


"All right, I called for backup" said y/n.

"And I texted all of my friends. You'll notice your phone didn't buzz" said Jake to Rosa.

"I think we're in Redhook. We're not on the BQE anymore" said Rosa, turning around from looking out of a crack in the door.

"Nice try, Rosa. Don't try to kiss up to me by mentioning by third-favorite New York expressway" said Jake.

"Shut up!" said Rosa. "We pulled into a parking lot. Things are about to go down."

"Backup won't make it here in time. It's just us" said Jake.

"I heard two voices in the truck. They'll be more if there's a meet-up" said y/n as Jake walked over to the door.

"Go word is 'glurg'" said Jake.

"Copy that" said Rosa.

Y/n and Rosa hid behind some boxes.

The shipping container door opened. 

"Flergen! Come on, it that you? I haven't seen you since Blorgenbergan, man!" Jake said.

"Who the hell are you?" asked the man.

"Give me a hand, you old dummy" Jake said.

The man helped Jake down.

"It's me, Glurg" Jake said.

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