House Mouses Part 2

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"I think you owe me an apology" said Terry, walking over to Jake's desk.

"I'll apologize to you in hell" said Jake. "I actually don't know what this is about. Sorry I took such a hard stance."

"Holt's celebrity was just some lame oboist. Meanwhile, we linked your little dumb pot bust to a major narcotics ring. This might be the biggest drug case the Nine-Nine's had in years" said Terry, passing Jake the file.

"Cool" Jake said awkwardly.

"Uh-oh" Terry said. "I know a real 'cool' when I hear one. That wasn't a real 'cool.' What did you do?"

"Well... I may have given that very huge drug case to Hitchcock and Scully" explained Jake.

"What?" asked Terry.

"In my defense, I was pretty sure you were never gonna find out" said Jake. 


Amy was lying in the trunk of one of the police cars outside the precinct. Gina, Rosa and y/n were watching her.

"Okay, so, I'm going to face my fear of confined spaces. When I'm ready, you will shut the trunk and leave me in here for thirty minutes" explained Amy.

"I left a juice box and a diaper in there for you, so you're gonna be fine" said Gina.

"Or we could all give in to our fears and keep our blood in like normal people" suggested Rosa.

"I actually kinda like that idea" said y/n.

"No, Rosa, we are doing something important here. We are women, standing up and supporting each other and becoming -" said Amy as Rosa closed the trunk.

"New fear: Listening to Amy inspire us" Rosa said.

"Be back in a half hour, Ames" Gina said loudly and tapped the lid of the trunk before walking away.

"Wait! Come back!" shouted Amy. "Come back, I can't do this!"

"No, you're the best!" Gina shouted back.

Rosa laughed before following Gina and y/n.

47 minutes later

Y/n opened up the trunk and Amy climbed out.

"You did it. How'd it go?" asked Rosa.

"Well, the first ten minutes were really terrible. The diaper did not fit. It was for a baby" said Amy, glaring at Gina. 

Gina shrugged.

"But then I relaxed, and I found my inner strength. I think the lesson here is that, as women, we -" Amy started to say.

Rosa reached up to close the trunk.

"No, no, no, no! You close that trunk again and I will kill you! You hear me? I will kill you!" threatened Amy.


"To conquer my fear of businessmen, I must walk among them. I will shake their clammy hands and listen to them talk about things like how hard Wednesdays can be" said Gina. "Does this outfit look drab and lifeless enough?"

Gina was dressed in a grey and beige suit, and was holding a cup of coffee.

"Also, thanks, Amy, for letting me borrow it" Gina said.

"You're welcome. I wore that suit to prom. Student chaperone" Amy said.

"I guess this is really happening" said Gina, walking towards a table filled with businessmen and women.

"How about those quarterly write-offs?" she asked, placing her hand on the back of an empty chair. "And did you hear about the merger? Also, we all need to go in on those flowers for Beth. Ah, Wednesdays."

"Who are you again?" asked one of the businessmen.

"Gina, from Sales. I have the plant on my desk" answered Gina.

"Oh, yeah. You want to sit with us?" asked the businessman.

"We'll all be dead so soon" said Gina thoughtfully.

"What?" he asked.

"I would love to sit" said Gina, sitting down in the empty chair.

17 minutes later

"Ugh" said Gina, walking over to Amy, Rosa and y/n. "That was a nightmare. I ate a Caesar salad wrap."

"I'm so proud of you, you lioness" said Amy. "You faced your fear."

"And I emerged victorious" Gina said. She took off the wig she was wearing. "Yay!"

"That was a wig?" asked y/n.

"You didn't think I'd put my actual hair in a ponytail? Are you insane?" asked Gina.


"Amy, why are we here?" asked y/n.

They were in a pet shop, looking at the large spiders.

"We are here to make you, y/n, face your fear of spiders" said Amy. "You are going to ask that guy behind the counter if you can hold one of the spiders."

"Or maybe, I could just not conquer my fear of spiders and go home" said y/n.

"No, y/n. You are a strong, independent - " Amy started to say.

"Okay, fine! I'll do it" said y/n.

She walked over to the person behind the counter and asked "Can I hold one of those spiders over there please?"

"Yeah, sure" said the person behind the counter who's nametag said Oliver.

Oliver picked up a spider from the small terrarium and placed it in y/n's hands.

Gina quickly took a picture of the look of fear on y/n's face. 

"Gina!" said y/n.

Rosa looked at the picture and laughed loudly.

"Okay, that's enough. You can put the spider back now" said y/n, quickly passing the large spider back to Oliver.

They walked out of the pet shop and Amy said "See, y/n? That wasn't too hard?"

"It was. It really was" said y/n.


"Sure you're ready to go through with this?" asked Amy.

Gina, y/n and Amy were at the blood drive, watching Rosa sit down in the chair.

"You know what? Today was stupid. But seeing you all overcome your fears did help me, and I think we've all grown as women" said Rosa.

Amy smiled happily and tried to put her arm around Gina's shoulder. Gina carefully pushed her hand off.

"I'm ready" said Rosa. "Stab me! Stab me! Do it, just do it!" 

"Rosa?" asked y/n.

"I'm psyching myself up" said Rosa angrily. She yelled. "Don't look at them! Look at me! Do your job! Drain me!"


The elevator dinged and Hitchcock and Scully walked into the bullpen.

"There they are!" said Jake. "Everybody give it up for Hitchcock and Scully."

Everyone in the bullpen started clapping.

"To thank you for all you did, bringing down a drug ring, we have a little present for you: Brand-new, top-of-the-line desk chairs, extra padding with adjustable height and recline" said Terry as Charles bought in the chairs and Scully and Hitchcock quickly sat down in them.

"Hey, chair!" said Hitchcock. "Get ready to meet your new best friend: My ass."

Both of them groaned happily.

This is probably one of the longest chapters I've ever written.

Brooklyn 99: Jake Peralta x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum