Letter 04.

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Dear Mom,

I know I'm not the most sentimental or affectionate of your children-Sean would win that-but I do try to show my love and appreciation in the smallest things I do.

I love you beyond anything else (except for dad), and I hope that even when I leave for the college of my dreams for a profession that isn't quite solidified yet, you know that you did the best you possibly could, and that that is beyond enough.

Even in moments when I was going through one of those awful stages (I still have a few band shirts) or reading in my room instead of cherishing my time with you, I appreciated everything you've done and helped me with.

You've gone through so much while raising us from cancer to the death of your mom, and for you to be as strong and beautiful as you are I should thank you more than I do.

So thanks again, mom, and I hope that you know everything said above, even if I don't say it half as often as I should.

Love, your first child and favorite daughter (don't tell Allison),


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