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Dear Diane,

You blame us all for your unhappiness, and I have no idea how to help you. See, I do try -- a lot. You tell me that all the happiness is sucked out of your life, and you're all alone in a household of family members who only judge you.

I know that I can never really understand your situation. I live in a family that's fairly tolerant and easy-going, and I'm aware that I'm pretty privileged to have gone to private school and to be going to one of the top schools in the country. But I am going to try to help you feel as good as you can.

I'm sorry if you can't accept my help in whatever form I offer it. But maybe try to acknowledge that I'm trying, okay? But I'm sorry for everything you have to go through because you are NOT okay. Understand that, and please do stop lying to yourself. Please?


your concerned cousin

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