Letter 12.

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dear tom,

i guess when my heart skips a beat it's when i'm close to you, not to mention when you speak to me. they say common interests make up the bases of you relationship- and with ours, i guess it did. but it never did go anywhere beccause neither of us told anyone. and then you went ahead and got with more pretty girls than me which isn't a surprise.

because over time those meaningless texts you sent me, weren't meaningless.

they were mine. but i'm not yours.

and i never will be.

it was hard for me to try and forget you, because you're still there, everywhere: when i listen to my favourite song, when i play tennis, and when i read. but the guys in the books are nothing like you, because i know what it feels like when i look at you.

so i'm glad you're a distant memory, of something that you've probably forgotten, and that when you speak my heart doesn't flutter as fast, and my leg doesn't jolt.

but i'll never forget the first text you sent me.

from the girl who glances at you through thick framed glasses.

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