Letter 26.

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Dear 16 year old ari,

You're not alone. There's a thousand people standing in front of you with a shield to protect you and the direction to guide you. People around you are close minded, lowly, highly untalented fags. Don't pay attention to them. So many people have brought you down in the past, so many obstacles. You've overcome so much I've never been prouder. You're a talented artist, singer and writer. Your talent? Honey, nobody in the world can take that from you. You're so much better than anything and everyone you see. Don't give in to temptations, don't do that under pressure. Don't overwork yourself, don't dump yourself in a bottomless put where it is impossible to get you out of.

I understand you're not having fun right now, people impose restrictions all the damn time. It sucks a lot; and I'm so much aware. Trust me, this phase will pass. It'll come to an end. You'll pass out to college and the freedom there? You'll be a free bird. I want you to have so much fun, be who you wanna be and love yourself enough so that no one else has to. Believe and have faith in yourself. You have a good head on your shoulders and the God above is watching over your actions. This is your time to rise and shine and in all faith, you will. You will be the best you have yourself ever seen. Your grades in board exams do not define your calibre. Your high school mistakes do not determine what sort of college you'll attend.

You want Podar? Done thing, go for it. Don't wanna do PACE? Don't man. Interested in international A-levels? That's so much easier to take care of and I'm proud of you. You're never making a wrong choice. Don't build up that frustration into yourself please. Let out all the negativity. Break things, scream, shout and fall. It gets better. Don't do what others want you to do, do what pleases you to the utmost. Don't hurt yourself in a way that you can't mend back the broken pieces. Let your love of the arts impress you. You're not here to impress others, you do not need anyone's approval. You're perfect the way it is.

And nobody in the world can change that.

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