Letter 40.

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 Dear Matt 

I've missed you a lot cause I haven't seen you in a while, probably cause you're trying to avoid me. I hope you're not avoiding me because you've heard the rumors . And if you have heard these rumors I hope you'd listen to my side of the story cause it's not like how Carson said it was. I didn't sleep with him, I mean I was going to but I realized that I deserve more that some asshole that was just nice to me so I'd fuck him.... God I haven't really written a letter to anyone in a while but I'm glad I'm righting you this one. I still love you and whenever I see you around I pray that maybe you'll come talk to me but you never do. Maybe it's cause I've convinced you and everyone else that I've moved on but that's clearly not that case... And I'm not saying that I never will move on from you because I will, no doubt about that but I'll always have you in my heart. You were my first love although I doubt I was yours. To you I might have just been a girl that you called your girlfriend, we'll never know because you'll never get this letter 


P.S. Give Taylor a chance, she's good for you and really likes you  

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