Letter 11.

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Dear Grandma,

I've missed you terribly. It is still hard to believe that it is almost 5 years since you've gone.

These 5 years has been the longest years.A couple of years after losing you, I've changed.Not in a good way.

Remember I used be a really good girl?Not anymore.

-Skipping school


-Answering back teachers


I've lost myself.I didn't know who I am anymore.Soon my grades fell too til now.

I've screwed up my future. I did badly for national exams&ended up in a lousy college with a course that I do not have any interest in.

Grandma,can you tell me what to do? Dad&Mum didn't care.

Grandma,can you give me the tight hug like you did when I came to visit you everytime? I really need one these days.

If you were here,I'll probably not turned out this way. Sometimes I wish to blame you for these, but I know it was me and the choices that I've made.

In all, I truly missed you a lot.



authors note: this one actually made me a little emotional, thoughts? you can also PM me your letters and I will post them. 

don't forget to comment what you think! 


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