Letter 50.

199 12 1

Dear Parents...

You ah e no idea how incredibly sorry I am...I haven't done anything wrong, not that I can think of atleast, but I still feel sorry for being such a failure...

I'm sorry for being depressed...

I'm sorry for not being good enough...

I'm sorry for being fat...

I'm sorry for being too 'talkative'...

I'm sorry for wanting us to feel like a normal family...

I'm sorry that i have scars...

I'm sorry that I ever approached you because I didn't feel well, or this hurt or that wasn't good, I now know how much it annoys you...

I'm sorry for being well beyond my years and that you guys can't seem to keep up with me...I'm sorry for being so inquisitive...

I'm sorry for not being able to play piano like Shannon does, daddy why can't you ever applaud me after I play a piece?

I'm sorry for not being beautiful like she is, or cute like he is...I'm sorry I don't want to talk to you because i don't want to bore you with my problems...

I'm sorry I'm such a mess up...

I'm sorry I'm not top of the grade like her...

I'm sorry for screwing up your lives by existing, I've realised that you guys would've been the picture perfect family had it not been for me, I see the way you guys get annoyed with me and I apologise for that...

I'm, however, not sorry that I wish to not exist...

Love from the forgotten child...

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