Letter 05.

688 45 4

Dear humans,

I cannot understand why we are all like this. People murder, steal and destroy only to be made to pay for their actions. This letter is for anyone who will read it.

To the people about to grow up

You have to grow up, no matter how many times you say you won't. Life won't be easy but try to make a friend who can always help you. Remember that your family are always there for you, not nessicarly your parents but there is always someone.

To the ones who have grown up

Thank you for being in this world, being something in our little planet and making it a little bit better. Remember that the past is important but so is the future. You don't have to listen to societies standards, just be who you are being.

For anyone who is having a hard time

Stay strong, someone out there loves you.

And finally, to my crush

Look what you missed out on!! x

From, truebluelife.

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