Falling With Him

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Inside my room I found my old school bag. It was black with the zipper parts being a neon green, and it still had some school books in it. As I emptied it out onto my bed, I felt Beck walk up behind me, watching what I was doing, his eyes were intense.

"Debby, can we take those books? Does your sister have any school textbooks?"

I wasn't sure how to respond, I wasn't about to tell him that my mother had hurt me really bad the last week of school last year, and I hadn't gone to school as a result. And then we moved to this house as soon as school was over. Mabel had turned in her books but I had been stuck with mine. I had just planned to ask the new school to mail them back to the old school and hope it would work out that way.

"Yeah," I murmured, walking over to my little closet, "we can bring my books, I don't think Mabel has any though," I said as I pulled down a few pairs of shorts, they were the lightest and took up the least amount of room. I also grabbed some stretchy exercise pants and a pair of basketball shorts. On an impulse I grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans. I then put every good pair of underwear I had into my bag, and all of my bras.

Beck didn't comment as he was over by my bookshelf.

I hurriedly stuffed every shirt I could fit in with all the other clothes into the backpack, and forced it to zip shut. After I did that I double checked that Beck was busy by my bookshelf before undoing the little attic access door and grabbing my ammo from it. I was pretty peeved that my gun was gone, and also my grab bag. My grab bag had had the essentials and my best bra in it. Not to mention the necklace my grandma had given me before she stopped coming around.

I pushed my feelings to the back burner and closed up the attic. When I straightened up I saw Beck staring at me weirdly. I gave him a "what" look and he shook his head, smirking. I frowned softly, not understanding him one bit.

"Debby, can you please explain why there is a cat on your roof?"


His smiled broadened and he pointed towards my roof, to Chip.

"Oh, her? That's Chip. She's mine," I said as I made my way towards my window, he watched me, a book still in his hands.

I slipped out of my open window before he could say anything and I heard him swear as I stood and walked across the sloped roof, I made my way over to Chip, keeping my arms out for balance.

"Debby you get your fucking ass back inside, right now!"

I jerked and looked over towards him, his eyes were ablaze and I paused just to stare at them, mesmerized.

"You sir, can't tell me what to do."

I said and then continued on my way to Chip, tearing my eyes away from his in the process.

"Debby, please, don't walk on the roof, shingles aren't very stable, they're just nailed on and I don't want-"

His voice was cut off by another voice, one on the ground, "What the hell? Debby get down!! Beck what is she doing?!"

I looked over the edge of the roof and saw Chester looking at me worriedly, "Now Cupcake," he said, "don't jump. I know Beck is a bit of a grumpy asshat sometimes but I'm pretty cool, right? Besides, if you die how am I ever supposed to turn Beck into a proper gentleman without a lady to inspire him?"

I blinked, he thought I was going to jump? As in, off of the roof? Hell to the no, that isn't happening.

"I just want to get Chip," I said, leaning over the edge a little to peer down at him.

I felt warm strong arms wrap around my middle and at the same time I felt the roof groan. There was too much weight in this spot the roof was going to... I heard a crack and then we were falling. Not over the edge but down, the roof had given away and caved in.

We crashed into what I assumed was the living room, shingles and sheetrock and wood fell with us, a cloud of dust made it hard to see, but the impact was the worse. Somehow I had handed first and Beck landed on top of me, making it hard to breathe, his head hit mine and I let out a cry of pain, turning away from him.

Beck didn't move and pain radiated every part of me, I couldn't move. I couldn't push him off to breathe and he wasn't getting off on his own. I heard voices yelling and soon Beck was lifted off of me.

I sucked in a breathe but was quickly scooped up into someone's arms and taken outside, where there wasn't a ton of dust and I could breathe, really breathe.

"Debby, sweetie, I need you to open your eyes," I heard Chester say, his voice was laced with worry.

"Beck's okay, he's just got a bump... Let me see her," Sam said.

I was passed to another set of arms and I heard Tucker somewhere close, talking to Mabel.

"Debby, open your eyes, please?" he said and I reluctantly opened them, the sunlight blinded me but I managed to slowly get my eyes to open, I saw red in my right eye and that's when I started to cry.

Sam whispered soft words to calm me down and instructed me to close my eye, I felt a cool wet rag on my eye and when I opened it again I could see.

Sam watched me with gentle eyes and then grinned for my benefit, "That was definitely Beck's fault," he murmured.

I felt a smile grow on my lips and then he was smiling, he looked at me and lifted me up, "here stay in the truck while Tucker runs in and grabs your bag. I need to grab a few things, and you just let Chester watch you," he set me down in the passenger side of the truck.

I felt bad, if I hadn't been leaning over the edge, Beck would have never tried to come out and get me, and then we wouldn't need to hurry. I imagine all that noise attracted a few zombies and now we were being rushed instead of having all the time we needed.

Chester walked over and gave me a look, "Don't ever scare me like that again, or I'll have to beat you up," I could tell he was teasing but also genuinely worried and I wiped my eyes, wincing when I felt the bump on my head.

"I'm sorry, I just.. I wanted Chip."

Chester's face screwed up and he looked confused as he leaned on the door frame, his arms above his head, "all this for a chip? You know we have food at the compound right? But I guess I can understand if it was like, a cheeto or something, them things are yummy."

I grinned, "No Chip is my cat, she's a little bit bigger than a kitten and she's really sweet. Like a chocolate chip."

Chester opened his mouth to say something but Sam climbed into the truck, the drivers side and put my backpack into the back along with a second weighed down bag. I saw Tucker and Mabel already in the car, and Chester looked at me, "Ah, time to go, be good cupcake," he ruffled my hair and was gone.

Beck slid into the passenger side of the truck and caused me to be slid into the middle, as soon as Beck had finished buckling he looked at me and winced. He had a bump on his head too, but otherwise looked okay, his eyes were on my forehead where my bump was. He blew out a breath and looped his arm around me, pulling me into his side as he hugged me.

"I'm sorry, I should have trusted that you knew better than me, can you ever forgive me?" his accent was thick and I imagine it was because he was upset, I wasn't able to move much because of how he was hugging me.

I bit down on my lip, these guys had done nothing but help me out. I wasn't sure I could trust them yet but I sure could try. I let myself relax into his hug and I wrapped my arms around him warmly, hugging him back. He gave out a deep sigh and the truck roared to life under us.

Sam put it into drive and started down the road, "Right, now that that's settled what kind of music do you like, Debs?"

I flinched at the reminder, how could they even trust me when they didn't even know my real name?

Beck grunted and nuzzled his nose in my hair, "she says country, now shut up and drive, Samantha," Beck said.

Sam chuckled and I heard him fiddle with the stereo, "Whatever you say Becky."

I smiled at their playful banter and closed my eyes, making a wish that I wouldn't have to leave them, any time soon.

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