Grounded By The Doctor

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I paid attention to where we were going, as sometime soon I would want to be able to explore the compound a little bit, stretch my legs. Well, I guess that would have to wait until my leg healed up. Chester drove quietly while Sam sat in the back with me.

"So, Beck told me about the trees. Is that how you got the nasty cut?" he asked.

I nodded softly and looked down at it, "I had jumped out of a tree and tried to tumble roll, and I caught myself on a sharp rock," I said, inspecting my knee.

He laughed and I looked over at him, he met my eyes and his lit up with joy, "No, I'm just trying to picture Beck chasing you and getting frustrated because you went into the trees," he laughed, "I'm not laughing at you, just Beck."

I smiled and looked out the window, "Are there trees like that to climb here?"

"No not really, I mean, you'd have to go outside the walls, which you're allowed to but I would rather you wait until your leg gets healed up and you're feeling better. I also want to see what your sister and you can do. We have a shed that someone turned into a gym of sorts. It's not super impressive but it's got a few targets set up and stuff."

I glanced at him and smiled, "I can fight a little bit, and I don't do too bad with a knife, but I've never been allowed to shoot or throw things.. my dad taught me how to operate a gun but I haven't shot one before."

Sam smiled and popped his knuckles, "Speaking of weapons, we have your grab bag, we didn't go through it or anything, and we put your gun back in it, it's in the house on the table I think," he sat forward a little to look at where we were.

I frowned a little, "Why didn't you give it back yet?"

He looked back at me and grinned happily, "Meh, I personally forgot about it until you mentioned your gun," I must have looked doubtful because he face me a little more, "Look, we weren't going to keep it, I swear. I was going to give it back at your house but your roof fell in and.." he shrugged, and I understood.

"It's okay, Sam," I smiled, "are we almost there?" I asked, letting a little bit of a whine enter my voice.

Chester chuffed from the front seat, "Why did we bring the annoying girl?"

Sam chuckled, "She's the reason we're going remember?"

I huffed and crossed my arms, Chester caught my eye in the mirror and he winked, letting me know he was just teasing.

We pulled into a driveway of a cute little light blue one story house, and Chester jumped out, opening my door for me. Sam pouted when he saw him do it, "Why didn't you open my door?"

Chester rolled his eyes at Sam, "I may be gay but she's a lady," he paused, helping me out while I laughed, "Plus she's hurt, you can open your own door, you lazy ass."

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