Ope! There it is...

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I was still trying to catch up with what had just happened. I mean, I had just been kissed by Chester, who was two steps away from being a stranger, and it felt weird. Like your first kiss was supposed to have good feelings and sparks and butterflies and unicorns right?

This one felt like.. well I mean his lips were soft and he held me warmly but it felt .. bland. Like I was kissing a wall.

“Ah,” Sam coughed and glanced at the boys, “Excuse us we have some things to settle,” he nodded and turned to Mabel, “Can you run inside with your sister to the living room? Beck will show you the way while Chester and I grab some of the bags.”

Sam turned and grabbed Chester’s arm, pulling him to the back of the truck, while Beck left no room for argument as he marched up the steps, his hands on both of our backs, gently guiding Mabel and I into the house. Mabel sped up so that Beck wasn’t touching her, and I did as well. I wasn’t exactly used to people touching me, unless it was my mother striking me down. Which was why I had been so surprised when I hugged Beck back in the car.

Inside the house was beautiful the front door opened up to a mud room of sorts where shoes would normally be kept, there were a few pairs of shoes and a few coats on the hook, I looked at Beck wondering if I should be taking my shoes off but he walked past me into the house further. Through the door there was the living room, which had a  homey feel to it. It was dark hardwood floors with a white shag area rug under the green half u shaped rug. Where the rest of the u would be there were two white sitting chairs and in the center was a glass coffee table, and a few video game controllers sat on that.

There was a tv across from the couches and a little stand that held a bunch of movies and on the entire top two shelves there were video games for the Xbox360 that was next to the dvd player on the tv stand. On the couch there were a few throw pillows and I couldn’t help but compare it to my house. This was like the jackpot.

Of course, only I would go into the end of the world and end up staying in a house way nicer than my own. It amazed me that this little community was up and running. They must have started it as soon as things got bad, to still have everything nice looking. I knew from the drive in that there was a stream somewhere, that led into a little lake of sorts.

I ran my fingers over the back of the couch and watched Mabel flop down into one of the white chairs and cross her arms in anger, she glared at me and I awkwardly sat on the corner of the green couch, surprised when it tried to suck me into its cushions, in a good way.

Beck walked back from I assumed the kitchen, because he offered me and Mabel a water bottle. We both accepted and he sat down to my right and yawned.

Sam and Chester walked in and put my bag next to the stairs along with the second weighed down bag, and a bag I recognized as Mabel’s. They both walked over and Chester sat next to Beck while Sam stayed standing, “Okay, well we’ll get rooms swapped around in a minute, Mabel, you’ll be sharing with your sister, in Cody’s room until we can get you both situated in one of the other houses,” Sam said, his warm eyes sparking with light.

Mabel looked over at me and frowned.

I sighed and pulled my uninjured leg to my chest.

What Walks Among Us (book one)Where stories live. Discover now