The Surprise (Part 2)

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1 - SORRY IT'S SHORT!!!! The next part will finish "the surprise"

2 - #8 AS OF TODAY!!!!!!!! Thanks soooo much!!!! I love you all!!!

3 - Thanks for giving this story a shot :)

I was practicing my archery, which I was surprisingly really good at, when there was a ruckus over by the opening of the gym doors. I let the arrow fly and I could feel the spark of pride in my chest when it hit the mark dead on in the center.

There was a hoot and clapping, I turned towards the entrance and grinned when I saw Chester walking towards me. I was already sweaty and in the light material leggings, and a tank top, but that didn't stop him from scooping me up in a warm hug.

I looked at Sam over Chester's shoulder and let out a happy sigh upon seeing that they both were unharmed and whole.

"Cupcake, man, I missed you. Sam is sooo boring," he grumbled, and I had to laugh at Sam's expression as he walked up, having heard Chester's comment.

"I am not!" he gave a play pout and I was grinning happily as Chester put me on the floor and I was instantly swept up in Sam's embrace. He buried his face in my shoulder and squeezed firmly, making sure not to squeeze too tightly.

I heard a throat clear and I peaked up to see Cody raising his eyebrow, "More, Kodi," he said, his tone being the one he saved for training.

I pulled away from Sam who grinned when I saluted Cody. Chester winked and both him and Sam walked a little ways away to sit on a bench while I picked up the bow that I had set down to hug Chester. Seeing the boys had lifted my spirits, whatever surprise Cody had been talking about could be revealed now, and this thought alone had me raising the bow with new incentive.

I shot the arrows until my quiver was empty and none of the arrows were far from there mark, most of them had hit spot on. Cody nodded approval and I set the bow on the rack before retrieving the arrows and putting them back in the quiver. I then walked over to the bench press and started to put weights on the bar. This was the routine, I alternated some days to give certain muscles a rest but I always did archery and then I would work my muscles, and then I would shoot an airsoft bb gun to practice my aim with a gun.

They didn't waste bullets, which I guess was pretty smart.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and when I looked at Cody he was already reaching around me to take the weight from my hands, "Lucky you training is cut short today, but tomorrow it's back to normal.." he added the last part almost as if it were a warning.

I grinned and nodded at him before grabbing my grab bag and running over to the other guys, Cody followed at a slower pace.

"So what are we doing?" I asked, looking at Sam.

It wasn't Sam who answered though, as Beck walked in, "Now it wouldn't be much of a surprise if we just told you, would it?" he asked, raising his eyebrow.

I let out a small groan and they all chuckled, even Cody.


An hour later I stood outside the gate.

The Gate.

You know? The one that lead outside the compound where the trees, zombies, and rest of the world resided? Yep. That was the one.

I was dressed the same but with the bow and quiver on my back, I felt a little like that girl from the book I had once read. Thankfully I wasn't being thrown into some twisted game where it was a kill for all. The boys, Evan, and Mabel all were with me as we waited for the guards to open the gates.

Mabel wasn't looking at me and when we did meet eyes she rolled hers and looked away. It was painfully clear which of the two of us was actually excited to be being allowed out. Cody had gone over the rules, and then Sam had made me repeat them a few times, but now standing here in front of the gate it all felt a little more real.

Beck reached over and grasped my hand as the gates opened, I gladly squeezed on to his, before letting go. I could do this, I could stand here and walk out of these gates without having some sort of problem. I might have been only training for about a week but I was already better than when I left my old house, and with the bow I could defend myself.

Sam walked out first, with a smile to the gate guard, "Hey Stella, we'll be back before nightfall," he said happily.

The girl, with long brown hair and almond skin smiled in return, "Okay Sam, don't get into too much trouble with the newbies."

It took a second before I realized she was probably referring to me, I was the newbie.

But it didn't matter because I was stepping out of the gates, my knee didn't hurt anymore and I was.. free. I could do whatever I wanted. I could run for miles and miles, or I could go to disney land.

The first few minutes were quiet except for the soft clanking of Mabel's grab bag. Whatever she had packed, it looked heavy and she had packed it wrong because it was making noise. Sam and I shared a look whenever there was a particularly loud clank.

Mabel though, was oblivious. It was clear she wouldn't be doing any sort of missions to get supplies. Soon Sam started walking off of the road that lead to the community and I got a jittery feeling. The trees got thick as we went in to the woods and I shared a smile with Beck, remembering how I had met him.

"Okay," Sam said, dropping his bag at the base of a tree and stretching, "You all brought a change of clothes right?" he asked.

I nodded along with Evan and Mabel, the others simply looked amused, though Chester seemed to be watching Mabel like a hawk.

Beck stepped forwards and stood beside Sam, "Good because you'll probably need them."

I wasn't sure what they were up to, but I was itching to grab a nearby branch and pull myself up. Something about the trees and leaping through them made me feel like a bit of a kid, and I loved it. So much of my childhood and past was filled with unpleasant memories. I liked to steal a bit of it back whenever I could.

But the boys had me intrigued, and I followed Sam as he walked around some really thick bushes until there was a little gap, just big enough to fit through if you knew where to look. Sam looked at Beck.

"Will you grab me my bag?" he asked, looking unembarrassed that he had put it down for no reason.

Beck sighed and grabbed the bag before slinging it over his own shoulder, and I stifled a giggle. Sam smiled before turning and walking through the bushes. Cody followed and Chester hung back as Evan went after. Beck guided me until I was in line after Mabel and Chester smiled as he took up the rear.

The bushes were dark and cool, but the air around us got warmer as we continued to walk, and I couldn't help but grin when I walked out of the other side of the bushes and was met with the big surprise.

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