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I looked up at him with wide eyes, "Uh, no, not really?"

He raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms, "No?"

I shook my head, "Nope," I made a popping sound on the 'p', "but you should clean up the water mess you're making... why were you outside, anyways?"

He frowned, "I was just getting back from a friends house. Now its your turn," he said and grabbed a towel, "why do you look like that?"

"Because," I said, stepping around him to the kitchen while I came up with an answer, "because I'm getting ready for bed, like a normal person."

"Kodi," he said and I turned towards him.


"You know none of us judge you based off of your past right? You had some messed up things happen to you, and we all realize that we don't have all of the information. None of us are going to ask, and you don't have to tell us unless you want to," he put the wet towel in a basket and ran his fingers through his hair. His eyes pierced into my own, making me feel like he could see everything that I was thinking, "You're here with us now. This is the present, and in a world like this we can't afford to worry about the past."

His words made sense, but as he continued talking it made me feel even more guilty that I wasn't being totally honest. I nodded and pressed my hands on the counter.

He watched me for a moment more before turning to the cupboard, "that being said, if you have anything that you don't want to tell us, you don't have to tell us. It's not our business to know what you're doing, and when you're doing it. We all talked and we understand that being so controlled before and even mostly after the zombies came, would make you want to have a lot of freedom. So, while we will occasionally be nosey all you have to do is say the word and we'll back off," he blew out a breathe, looking slightly irritated, "I don't like it, and neither does Cody, but Sam and Chester both insisted."

I wasn't sure what to say, the fact that they were trying to ensure that I didn't have to answer to anyone, and make sure that I didn't feel trapped made my heart ache. Already in such a short time, they had done the one thing I had wished my mother would let me have. Freedom. Even a little tiny taste of freedom without the fear of being in trouble or being thrown out was like a breath of fresh air.

"I went outside the fence," I blurted.

Beck looked confused, but his blue eyes narrowed after a moment, "Yes, I know, you went with us," he said slowly, giving me the opportunity to take it back, to keep my little trip a secret.

I shook my head, "No, I mean," I pressed my palm flat on the counter, "I mean I went outside a little bit ago."

Beck frowned, "Buttercup, I think we would have noticed if you had left."

I bit my lip, "I went out my window," I mumbled.

It was quiet for a moment and I looked up to catch him flexing his jaw, "Out your window?" he waited until I nodded a confirmation before shaking his head, "Well," he said after a moment of tense silence, "what happened?" he asked, and pulled a seat to the counter.

I internally let out a sigh of relief.

"Well you see," I said, and then launched into a detailed description of my little adventure, making sure to describe the zombies as best I could. The biggest thing I noticed that night was that while they gave me the freedom I craved, I also craved the assurance that they would be right next to me every step of the way.

Beck and Cody didn't want me to be allowed to go off on my own and make my own choices- not because they wanted to keep me locked up, but because they cared about my safety. They didn't want me going off and doing something stupid like walking out of the gate without a gun or my grab bag.When I told Beck that I had forgotten my gun and bag he had given me a stern look and a lengthy lecture.

Sam and Chester were opposite of Cody and Beck in a way, they watched out for my needs and my safety, and they were both laid back.. less... intense.

When I was finished with my tale Beck still looked upset, but he also looked relieved, "Well, I can't say I'm happy with any of this, but I am happy you told me, if you don't want me telling the others, I most definitely won't, all you have to do is say."

I thought for a moment, and then shook my head, "No, if they ask you can tell them. It's not a secret, and I don't want to make it into something bigger than it already is."

He nodded understandingly, and ran his fingers through his hair, "we should get to bed, it's late and I think Cody still wants to run with you on mornings, so if you do go out, try not to make it a late night, and if you do sneak out at night... well I can't boss you around, but just know I'm always willing to be there for you on one of your reckless adventures," he said, making the last part teasing.

I smiled and rubbed my eyes with a yawn, "deal," I said.

We cleared up our cups of tea that Beck had made and I wiped the counter while Beck swapped the load of laundry, while I couldn't tell what time it was, I knew I was exhausted.

As I made my way up the stairs behind Beck, I realized that talking about the events of my night had lessened the fear. I wasn't sure if it was Beck himself, or the fact that he had offered to join me any time I asked. I stepped onto the landing of the hallway while promising myself not to take advantage of his kindness, and to only ask when it was a convenience to him.

"Goodnight Buttercup, sweet dreams."

"Goodnight Beck," I said back as I opened my shared bedroom.

"Oh," I paused and turned to Beck who was looking at me, "do you need any more blankets or pillows or anything?" he asked.

It gave me a slight pause, as I had been sure Chester would keep that little tidbit of information to himself, as far as the other guys knew, Mabel was just my elusive sister who didn't talk to them very much. I don't even think they knew she had a strike, much less two.

"I mean," Beck said, trying to make up for my silence, "That bed's big and all, but it gets cold and you know," he said, shrugging.

I nodded quickly this time, acting as if I did in fact sleep in that bed, "Oh, yeah, no, is there extra bedding?"

Beck nodded, "Yep, here come in here and grab some," with that he turned and walked into his room.

I walked into his room hesitantly, and even more so when I noticed that there was someone in the queen sized bed. I wanted to back out of the room instantly. I didn't know Beck had a girlfriend, much less she stayed over sometimes.. but it made sense in a way. He was a teenage boy, in the apocalypse no less.

I tried to at least keep my eyes off of the form that lay under the blankets, and solely focus on Beck who was pulling a nice fuzzy looking quilt from the closet, along with a big body pillow. He turned and smiled at me before offering me the bedding.

I took it and turned to walk out, "wait," I turned with a little bit of impatience and waited for Beck to continue, he smiled, "Good night," he said with a goofy grin.

I smiled despite the awkward situation, "Yeah, right, you too. Thanks, for the bedding and the talk..." I trailed off, not sure what else to say, and before I could get any more redder in the cheeks I turned towards the door.

"sweet dreams Kodi," came a gruff voice from the bed.

I tripped as I walked out the door, and I heard both Cody and Beck chuckle. Those jerks, though I guess it served me right for forgetting that it was Cody's room too. I just hadn't imagined them having to share a bed. It made me feel even worse about taking up Cody's room and I made a mental note to ask Sam about that house that was being prepped.

Inside my room I made a bed and once under the new blankets, surrounded by a mix of both Cody's and Beck's scent, I fell asleep quickly.

What Walks Among Us (book one)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang