They See Me Rollin, They Hatin

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Even though I was sleeping on the floor it was a better sleep than sleeping on my old caved in mattress. I woke up before Mabel did and I folded up my blanket and stashed it and my pillow under the bed. When I finished cleaning up my bedding I folded my dirty clothes and put them over next to the nightstand so that I could remember to wash them sometime in the near future.


I did all of this by scooting around the room on my butt, and when I had finished cleaning up my things, I scooted into the bathroom and saw that Mabel had left her things strewn out all over the floor. I put them in a neat pile near the door and pulled myself to stand on one leg. I put some toothpaste on my toothbrush and rigorously scrubbed my teeth. I had been brushing my teeth with water for the past two weeks and the minty blast of toothpaste made my mouth practically sing cleanliness.


I brushed out my hair and then threw it into a messy braid and let it hang at my back. Usually that was the most I did with it unless I put it up in a bun or I threw it into a ponytail. Today was definitely a braid day, as I was probably not going to be allowed to do much. I was quiet for a few minutes as I tried to listen for anyone else awake. I couldn't hear anyone but I also hadn't been in this house long enough to really get to know it. That was one of the things I had been wanting to do. Get to know the house and it's noisy spots and where I could hear people when I was in what spots. I guess today I would just be able to figure out where I could hear people.


I hobbled over to the bathroom door as quietly as I could and then I sat down on my butt again, making sure that I didn't bend my knee and that I didn't make any noise that would wake up Mabel. She had woken me up last night with her restless sleeping. I'm not a very heavy sleeper and so her moving around all night had me in a semi awake state all night.


Besides the obvious lack of deep sleep, I felt really refreshed and ready to get the day started. Too bad I wasn't allowed to actually do anything. I stifled a groan and then scooted my way out the door. I noticed when the door was opened slowly in an attempt to be quiet it creaked a little more than it did if you were just opening it without a care. I stored that away in my mind and scooted down the hall. All of the other rooms were closed and I wasn't sure if it was because they were all asleep or they just naturally kept their doors shut all the time.


There was so much to learn about everyone here. I made my way to the stairs and scooted down them. The third from the top groaned as I tried to ease myself onto it and the second from the bottom did as well. I figured under the carpeting it was most likely old boards that had seen better days.


When I finally made it to the bottom I had to take a breather because I was panting a little bit and my arms and leg hurt from trying to make my way down quietly, and without the use of one of my legs. When I had regained my composure I scooted into the living room. It was at this point I realized I hadn't changed out of my pajamas and at the same point I realized I really didn't care either. I was so not going back up those stairs, and then coming back down them as well.


You'd have to pay me... and even then..


I shuddered a little bit thinking about all that exercise, even if it may be good for me.


In the livingroom I found that the blanket cocoon I had used last night was now all folded up and the pillows I had been using were on the couch next to it. The house was pretty silent other than me scooting myself towards the kitchen.

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