Titanic Tip and Daring Dash

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Chester sat on the couch and put my leg into his lap, with the pillow so that my leg was bent at the knee, he looked over at me to double check that it was okay, and it felt better this way, so I wasn’t  complaining. He gave a goofy grin and then looked over to Sam who was looking at the movie case, his hands on his hips and his back was facing us.


“Hey, slow poke, put in Mulan or something,” Chester grunted at him.


Sam turned around to give Chester a playful glare, “Shut up,” his cheerful green eyes met mine and he grinned, “What do you want to watch, Debby?”


I sucked in a breath, it wasn’t that I hadn’t watched movies growing up, because I did. It was just.. not often. Mulan was one of those I hadn’t seen yet and so I just nodded my agreement, Chester grinned and patted my shin, “See, she’s on my side. No Hercules for you!”


Sam gave a pout but I could tell he was teasing with the way his lips still seemed to quirk up with a tiny smile.


I sat up a little, “We can watch that next, and then we can watch Titanic Tip and Daring Dash.”


Both boys gave me weird looks, Chester sat forward and pressed his hand to my forehead, “She doesn’t appear to have a fever, she really must be insane.”


I heard a deep laugh from somewhere towards the kitchen, behind me, and when I tried to twist to find out I was blocked by all the blankets. Beck walked into view with a guy by his side. The guy had a little more muscle than Beck but he was shorter, his expression was gloomy, like Beck’s was when he wasn’t relaxed. I had a feeling this was the infamous Cody.


He had sandy blonde hair and a grumpy look about him, it made me want to smile because it reminded me a lot of Beck, but while Beck’s eyes had a happy glint in it, Cody’s light blue eyes just looked grumpy. He looked me over with interest, “You’re Mabel, or Debby?”


I was confused for a moment, he knew about me?


“She’s Debby, Mabel’s upstairs in her room. Are either of you going to the banquet?” Sam asked.


Beck looked over at us, his eyes roaming over out set up while Sam sat next to Chester, “Well,” he said, raking his hands through his hair and making it look messy, “I was planning on it… are you guys going?”


Chester shook his head, “Naw, Doc said she isn’t allowed to move for the next day or so, so we’re doing a disney marathon.”

Cody raised an eyebrow and looked right at me, his eyes intense, “Did you come up with that?”


“Nope! I did! Why is there a problem with that?” Chester demanded, I looked over at him and it was clear he was kidding with the way his lips were in a half smile.


Cody grunted and Beck looked uncertain, he had changed into a baby blue fitted shirt and a dark leather jacket with some dark jeans and biker boots, “Should I stay then?” his eyes were on me and I assumed this question was also directed at me.

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