You Broke Her

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Sam knelt in front of me and unwrapped my knee, "You haven't been on it, right?" he asked, "and you've been making sure to take the medicines that Cody was giving you? Cody you gave her her medicine right? If not,-"

Sam was cut off when Cody walked in with my grab bag, "Yes, mom, I gave her her medicine, and fed her, and I even made sure to check her pulse every hour on the hour."

Sam swiveled around and I caught the glare that he shot at Cody, "Don't be a jerk," he said, rolling his eyes before looking at me, he grinned, "he's so needy for attention, don't you think?"

I wasn't sure what to say, and Cody was now glaring at Sam, so I let out a nervous giggle. Sam smirked and looked pleased even as Cody thumped the back of his head, Cody looked up at me, making eye contact, "Here's your bag, Kodi," he paused, "man, it's weird having someone else with the same name as me."

Sam put the used gauze in a pile and peeled off the bandage that covered my knee, "Nah, Chester doesn't call her by her name unless he's trying to be serious. He calls her Cupcake I think."Cody rolled his eyes, "Well yeah, but that's just Chester, we can't all call her Cupcake, that would be weird."

I cringed when Sam pulled the bandage fully off, but it did look a lot better. It was still a little red but it wasn't an angry red, there was no liquid coming out, and it didn't hurt when he extended my leg fully.

"Well I don't know about you, but I think she looks like a Sunshine," Sam said, and took a disinfectant wipe to my knee, it didn't hurt to bad, but it still stung.

"What do you think Kodi? Do you need a nickname?"

I blinked and focused on Cody, catching up with what he was saying. They had been talking to themselves and I had been listening but not really focusing on their words. I was more interested in my knee and hoping I could be ungrounded.

"I ah, uh? Yes?" I asked, wondering if I had even answered a yes or no question. I felt like I was in school daydreaming and was caught off guard by the teacher deciding to check how well I was listening.

Cody smiled at me, a real smile and I wanted to take a picture. It softened his features and made him look even more handsome than I already knew he was. It made his usually grumpy face look open and inviting. I wanted to capture the moment so I could look back on it.

"It's settled then," he said, winking before walking off to the kitchen.

What's settled? Did I just agree to be a sex slave?

I laughed at myself, finding myself pretty darn funny and then I noticed that Sam had stopped looking at my knee to stare at me with a weird expression. I could tell he was trying to figure out why I was laughing and it only made me laugh harder. Every time I looked at Sam I would start laughing even more, soon I wasn't actually laughing, but I was.

I was moving my mouth like I was laughing and clapping like some special kind of seal. To make matters worse when I breathed in all you heard was a little squeak, and that set me off all over again.

Sam started to look absolutely confused, and to my amusement he started trying to see if he looked funny and that's why he was laughing. He checked his hair, and while he was looking at his shirt Cody walked in with the three water bottles. He took one look at my hysterical state, and Sam's confused state, and shook his head.

"You broke her, I thought you were supposed to fix her, not break her and make it worse!" Cody said, chucking a water bottle at Sam.

He caught it easily, "She just kind of.." he put his hands in front of himself and gestured at me, "you know?"

What Walks Among Us (book one)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon