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I was soo sure I died. There was no way I survived it and yet here I was alive again... It felt soo real too. It couldn't just be a bad dream at all. All the torture and then the sweet relieve of death! I never regretted anything in my life more than being dragged to be a traitor. I never wished for it, never wanted it and never would have dreamed on becoming a villain.

As if everything I encountered so far was just a bad dream, I jolted up in the middle of the night heavily breathing and still feeling the pain from being burned alife due to one of Bakugo's attacks. It felt so very real but it was dark in the room and I was sitting in my bed and there was no Bakugo...


I thought...




I am sure I died by the hands of Bakugo!

Why am I back in my room?!


This room!




It can't be!


That's not a part of the UA dorms!

That's my room!


Okay think!

What happened!

I clearly remember Bakugo killing me!

*Flashback brought to you by a bunny that is complete confused what is happening*

Bakugo: You motherfuckering villain are not supposed to be here!

Me: But Kacchan, I made it here myself with my own power and I never chose to be one!

Bakugo: And this is as far as you fill go stupid Deku!

Me: ! Kacchan don't!

It was all thanks to this excercise we were doing after the USJ incident that it all came to this. Me and Bakugo were paired together to spare with each other. I didn't quite get why they would put us together since Bakugo was really about to kill me and he didn't show any mercy to me while fighting at all. Tho I had a quirk given to me from AfO I refused to use it very often. There was also the fact that my own quirk was useless. I would rather rely on my wits and agility to win this fight than use the offensive quirk AfO gave me.

However the moment the fight began Bakugo pinned me down to the ground and screamed at me that I was a villain. Ohh how right he was. I really was one. Tho I didn't had much choice. It was either that or my mother would have killed me.

It was only for a short moment when everythinge was getting extremely hot and blinding bright. Just a second and I was getting more than 3rd degree burns. He at all pulled the trigger of his gauntlets and directed the hit directly to me.

I felt my skin burn and I could smell my burned flesh. I tried to scream but I couldn't even get any woulrd out.

I did deserve this fate!

It was me who gave the LOV the informations about USJ and All Might and even Bakugo being his protégée. I knew everthing and I was the one that gave them the informations. My other was AfO's wife... how couldn't I give them the information if my own life was on the line?

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