A friend?

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Stain: I see you made a new friend.

Ohh please!

Why are you here?

Why are you looking at me like this...


I could have just deal with these losers.....


For how long were you following me?


You sure had your own fair of share on my account.

Me: Yup. 

Toga: We are friendsies?

Me: Sure are princess.

Toga: Oh my god! How did you know? Wait! I don't know if you're a friend and who tells me you are not trying to hand me over to the police?

Me: If I wanted to do that, you would kill me the moment I would try.

Stain: HAHAHAHAHA He is my pupil.

Me: Aww Thanks.

Toga: OHH MY GOOOODDDDYYYY!!!! You are are taught by the one and only legend around here!

Me: He sure is.

Toga: How did you meet each other?

Stain: Come to think of it, wh were you not scared? I am quite curious and I don't think I asked why.

Me: Well first, you are the HERO killer. As far as I know you have never killed any kid. Adults yes but no kids.

Stain: There is always a first time.

Me: Sure is but I know that you are only getting rid of the heroes that doesn't deserve the title but if you ask me, you forgot one.

Stain: Oh tell me kid, who did I forgot.

Me: All Might. The greatest fake hero there is.

Stain: You are wrong. He is a true hero.

How did I get myself into this now?

I don't like this guy just because I know what a hypocrite he is from my previous life.

He sure isn't the best hero around and if you asked me....

There is a reason the LOV want him dead.

Welp not that he actually does a bad job but he definitelly has something against people with a mental quirk or villainous one. Otherwise a good guy I guess....

Me:Do tell me does a true hero judge quirkless people too?

Stain: No. That is indeed a fake hero.

Me: See! He has something against villainous quirks and quirkless kids as well as weak ones. If you ask him if you could become a hero he will say that you are too weak and yada yada yada.

Toga: Sounds like a snob.

Me: He is.

Toga: Say my new found friend! How do you know that?

Me: Ahh.... Stain the same as I beat you the first time I saw you.

Stain: Ohhh.

Toga: You did what? You my new best friend now!

Stain: HAHAHAHAHAHA I tell you what, you got some guts there kid! No one ever talked like that over the number 1 hero or to me.

Me: Well as you can tell, I am by far not normal.

Stain: What brings you here, kiddo?

Me: Searching for a friend.

Toga: OHHHH how sad but now you have me!

Me: Yup and that is all I need.

Stain: .... I will get you two back out of the market. This is not a place for you to be.

Toga: Oh by the way I am Toga.

Me: Izuku. Nice to meet you.

Toga: Oh and that cat is cute.

Me: Ohh that's Lucifer better not touch him. 

Toga: Izu, you have such pretty eyes.

Stain: You're damn moody kid.

Me: I know. Now can we get out of here? Please!

It took us three, 3 more hours to talk about all kind of things while I was carefull not to reviel anything to Toga. I knew from my past that Toga and Dabi were both huge Stain followers and this was the best way to get them on my side. Now the problem was what would I do with them?

Me: Finally out! Thanks yo-

Stain lead me to a nearby street where normal people were standing with my cat in my arms. The moment I wanted to thank Stain and turned around in order to do so, he was already gone. 

Toga: So were do you live?

Me: Ohh a bit away from here and you?

Toga: Wanna see my home?

Me: Please tell me it's not just an abandoned building.

Toga: Why not? I own a building after all.

Me: Toga, you deserve more.

Toga: Awww you cute! No one ever said that to me.

Me: No ever knew about your quirk or accepted it right, Vamps?

Toga: Wait you know?

Me: It was obvious with the fangs.

Toga: You really smart...... but you still wanna have me as a friend?

Me: Sure do and I do you one better.

Toga: Hm?

Me: I'll find a family for you so how about spending the night over?

Toga: Where?

Me: At my place.

Toga: You would take me in.

Me: I would but let's see what my dad says.

Toga: Kay! I am happy I found a friend like you!

Me: Now come on, let's have some fun first.

I grabbed her hand and started running down the street and into a mall. I knew how much she loved going shopping or sweet things or the arcade, so I went to the arcade with her which I knew had open 24/7. Besides that I also ordered us some delivery food and made sure she would enjoy the evening. I knew she wasn't a bad person. It was just her past that got her to the wrong path. If anyone gave her a chance then she could become a hero too. 

All in all, this day was a success.

Now all that I had to do was tell Aizawa a friend would sleep over and then get a hero to adopt her. 


Let's just hope Dadzawa won't find out that I went into the black market and got lost while also being chased and the highlight of the day and my absolute favorite meeting my Sensei, Stain in person again. Who knows what he will do to me...

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