Chapter 16

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Jisu immediately flinches at the loud and sudden sound from the movie. She squeezes her eyes shut tight, the collective screams from the other spectators tell her the unpleasant scene isn't over yet.

It was one of those days when she and Ryujin go out together for a catch-up. They both agreed to do it at least once a week--although this week it happened twice--to talk, share stuff, give updates, and vent out whatever they want to get out of their system.

They see this routine as fulfilling their soulmate duties to each other--which always happens when Yuri's out for an international flight.

As suspicious as it may sound, everything has been Platonic between them so far. Except maybe for some soulmate times in which Ryujin usually uses to compliment Jisu as to how pretty she is.

But aside from that, it's all Platonic, no touching, or even subtle flirts.

And since this is the second time they went out this week, they've thought of trying something different aside from talking and having dinner in a restaurant.

Which is watching a horror movie.

And Jisu still doesn't know what made her agree to this.

She's never a fan of watching anything loud, or scary, or surprising. It beats the shit out of her.

But after seeing Ryujin's hopeful eyes earlier when they were picking a movie, Jisu couldn't find the heart to say no.

Besides, it may be worth trying since she's never done this before--watching a horror movie in a theater, of all places.

However, the scenes are too terrifying. She's not sure how she'll be able to sleep alone in her apartment tonight, or tomorrow, or the rest of the week.

Maybe calling Yuna to a sleepover would help. This usually entails bribing the younger with new clothes. Jisu doesn't care. As long as she gets to sleep peacefully this week, spending a few bucks on her sister won't matter.

Another surprising scene takes place. Jisu's body jerks as people scream again. She covers her ears this time, hoping to muffle the noise.

"Hey. Are you okay there?" Ryujin's gentle voice passes through her ears.

A sight of her soulmate's worried face greets Jisu when she opens her eyes. But just as when she's about to relax, another bam sound made her jump on her seat, a light squeal escaping her lips.

"Okay. Let's get you out of here," she hears Ryujin says before she feels a hand on her arm, pulling her up.

"R-Ryujin..." Jisu follows along, getting pulled away from the seats.

"I won't let you die here from a heart attack, Jisu."

"But you want to see this movie, don't you?"

"I do. But if it's not entertaining for you, I'd rather not watch it," Ryujin says, her back still facing Jisu as she leads the woman into the dark hallway.

"..." Jisu forgets what she's about to say when her eyes land on how Ryujin's hand is gripping her arm.

This is the first time they had physical contact after seeing each other again. The touch makes her feel somewhat... calm.

"You could have told me earlier you don't want scary movies," Ryujin says. "I would understand."

"But I want to watch it with you," Jisu says without thinking.

Which she immediately regrets because it causes Ryujin to stop in her tracks, turning to face Jisu with a slightly surprised face.

And Jisu's heart drops when her soulmate finally lets go of her arm.

"I'm sorry." Jisu fiddles with her fingers, trying to compensate for the lost warmth. "I don't like anything loud or scary. I didn't tell you that because..." she pauses and sighs. "I guess I want to try something new with you, something I've never done before."

With the exit sign serving as their only source of light, Jisu sees Ryujin's face softening. Her heart softens too.

But a sudden loud noise from the movie startles Jisu again, making her jump up, gasping in horror.

She hears Ryujin's soft chuckle before she feels arms enveloping her frame, pulling her in for a hug.

"Hey, it's okay." Ryujin rubs her back. "I'm here. I'm here."

And Jisu can't help herself from closing her eyes as her soulmate's warmth invades her senses.

"Soulmate time," Ryujin says. Jisu hums to tell her to continue. "You still look pretty even when you're hella scared."

Jisu chuckles as she nuzzles into Ryujin's shoulder, loving the warmth it brings.

"Soulmate time," she says in return, to which Ryujin responds with a hum as well. "Your hug is warm and protective. I like it."

She feels Ryujin takes in a deep breath and smile. They silently stood there for seconds, with Ryujin still rubbing her back.

"Let's try new things together some other time, okay?" Ryujin's hand finds its way up to Jisu's head to ruffle her hair. "But for now, let's do something else fun, so we can flush those scary thoughts out of your head."

Jisu pulls back and nods. They walk out of the cinema with Ryujin's arm around her shoulders.

That was the first time Jisu asks herself: where could Ryujin have been all her life?

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