Chapter 44

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Jisu couldn't believe what she's seeing.

There was this immediate relief that washed over her when she finally got a glimpse of her soulmate after three weeks.

Three long weeks.

Ryujin looks brighter, but a bit skinnier. Jisu couldn't believe it herself--thought it was a mirage at first--but Ryujin's right there in front of her, scratching her nape out of embarrassment.

"Uh... hey..." Ryujin is the first one to speak. "How's it?"

Jisu's mouth remains open. She didn't realize she's still staring at Ryujin, unblinking.

"Are you... are you still mad at me?" Ryujin asks.

Jisu lets out a dry half-laugh.

Mad at her? What is Ryujin thinking?

But what she didn't expect is how that dry laugh can cause the floodgates to finally open.

"Mad at you? Are you really that stupid?" she asks, tears welling in her eyes. "Are you seriously asking me that, Ryujin?"

"I... I just thought that maybe..."

"Stupid... you're so stupid..." Jisu covers her face this time as tears are finally flowing down her cheek. "I hate you... I really hate you..."

She hears a soft chuckle, then footsteps. After that, she felt Ryujin's presence beside her, arms embracing her.

"Yes... yes... I am stupid..." Ryujin pulls her closer, tapping her back. "I'm sorry for being stupid..."

"I hate you..." Jisu's hand grasps Ryujin's coat this time as she buries her face in the taller's shoulder. "How dare you disappear like that for three weeks? How dare you make me wait this long?"

"I know... I know..." Ryujin kisses the top of her head. "I'm sorry. I just thought you needed more time. I wasn't really well that night. A lot of things happened. I was at my worst. I couldn't face you in that condition."

Ryujin presses their bodies closer. For whatever reason, Jisu feels like everything is okay again, like the world is full of bright colors again.

"Do you feel that?" Ryujin whispers in her ears. The smile is evident in her tone. "The spirits are happy that we are together again."

Jisu hums, closing her eyes and burying her face further into Ryujin's neck. "Is this real?"

"It is," Ryujin says, and it's a piece of sweet music to Jisu's ear. "I'm not going away anymore, Jisu. There's no more leaving or going home. We'll always be together now."

Jisu couldn't put it into words. But Ryujin's right. It's like the spirits are celebrating above the stars for their reunion. Jisu feels light, like every fiber in her body is rejoicing, delighted that they are finally together again.

"Please tell me I'm not dreaming," she whispers.

"You're not dreaming." Ryujin cups the back of Jisu's head. "I am here. I am not leaving. This is my home now, Jisu. You are my home now."


"What! You volunteered in the monastery?" Yeji asks, eyes wide.

"Yup. Lived with the monks for three whole weeks." Ryujin scoops rice and some meat into her mouth.

"I bet you missed eating these, huh?" Chaeryoung points at their meal with her chopsticks. "Those monks are vegetarians."

Yeji looks at Chaeryoung, looking more horrified. "What! Seriously? No meat? Damn. It must be hard."

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