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Yuri takes a deep breath before stepping into the office.

She is greeted by the receptionist with a warm smile, confirming her appointment, asking her to sit for a moment to wait.

She looks around the room, admiring the interior of the said office--rather clinic.

Elegant lights are hanging around. There were pretty potted plants that add up to the minimalist but artistic design of the said clinic.

Her eyes then land on one flyer on the coffee table with a huge-white 'erasure' text on it.

She picks it up, reads the contents, feeling nervous about this decision of hers.

She needs it, she thinks. It's been three months now, and she doesn't seem to be recovering that much.

The crying had lessened, yes, but she can't erase Ryujin's memories everywhere she goes. Whenever she remembers her soon-to-be ex-wife, she remembers the pain, and she's getting reduced to either the verge of crying or simply crying it out.

She's getting tired of it.

So when she saw this 'erasure' ad while browsing online, she thought of visiting the said clinic. If she has to spend money to recover quickly, then so be it.

"Miss Jo, doctor Choi is ready for you inside," the female assistant calls.

Yuri takes another deep breath before standing up and heading to the room.

For whatever reason, she's getting more nervous now. She can feel her heart beating hard against her chest.

Is she doing the right thing?

But no, she needs this.

"Doctor Choi, she's here," the female assistant says and closes the door to leave them alone.

The doctor who's at her table looks up and smiles. "Afternoon."

Yuri creases her forehead. She doesn't understand, but she thinks she's met the woman somewhere before.

She shakes her head. "Afternoon, doc."

"So..." the doctor then stands up, looking beautiful in her white coat. "You're here for the erasure program, aren't you?"

Yuri nods. Her toes are curling inside her shoes. She couldn't explain why she's still feeling nervous--or is she excited?

She thinks she's already crushing on the said doctor.

Not bad, she thinks. If this is the one who's going to help her forget Ryujin, then she'd be happy to go to the sessions every single day.

"Before we start with that, can you tell me more about what happened?" Doctor Choi gestures to the couch. "Let's sit over there."

Yuri turns and steps back when she sees the aqua blue couch situated on the other side of the room.

She looks around the walls, getting more shocked. "A room with white walls and an aqua blue couch..."

"I'm sorry?" the doctor says.

"Doctor," Yuri turns to the woman. "I know this is an odd request, considering we just met. But can you show me your ring finger?"

Hesitant, the doctor still complies.

The absence of the ring on the doctor's hand makes Yuri's heart beat faster.

Is this it? Is it her? She asks herself.

With a doubt, Yuri tugs her ring finger and sees the pull on the doctor's"What the--" Doctor Choi looks at her hand before looking up at Yuri. "Are you...? Are we...?"

When their eyes meet, Yuri feels the emptiness inside her body vanishing into nothingness, getting replaced by these beautiful feelings building up inside her, around her.

It's like all the birds outside are suddenly chirping, singing a melody of love.

It's like the trees are suddenly swaying, dancing to the bright tune.

For the first time in her life, Yuri feels whole and complete.

For the first time in her life, it feels like she found her home.

The spirits are indeed moving in mysterious ways. But it doesn't matter now because Yuri knows this moment is worth all the wait, worth all the pain.

It finally made sense to her now as to why the spirits willed her to meet Ryujin.

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