Chapter 19

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Yeji knows Jisu is pissed at her.

She can tell by the way the woman slams the door after she steps inside the car.

But Yeji's too cool to care. She laughs instead.

"And you still can laugh like that after you spilled to Yuri about me and Ryujin?" Jisu asks, busy buckling her seatbelt.

"Relax. I didn't say it was Ryujin, did I?"

"Yeah. But you gave her a clue of where we met. And I'm sure it won't be hard for her to connect the dots sooner or later."

"What are you so worried about? She won't think it's Ryujin. And this may look unpleasant now, but you'll thank me someday for this, Jisu."

Jisu stops and looks at her. "How? I don't see any good results with what happened during dinner."

"At least we've given Yuri a heads-up. It'll be easy for you two to admit it to her when the time comes."

Jisu releases an annoyed sigh. A sign that tells Yeji she should stop talking. They drove out of the parking area in silence.

"Don't you think that decision sits between me and Ryujin only?" Jisu finally says when they reach the highway.

Yeji nods. "Agreed. But how long are you two planning to hide from Yuri? Forever?"

There was no response. Jisu crosses her arms and looks away.

"And you, are you happy with being just a..." Yeji trails off.

"A mistress? Is that what you want to say?"

"I just don't think you deserve that treatment."

"Well, first of all, Ryujin isn't mistreating me. Second, I decided to be in this situation."

"If you're okay staying in that rabbit hole, then what about Yuri? She doesn't deserve whatever it is you and Ryujin are doing behind her back."

"That is none of your business, Yeji."

"Right." Yeji huffs. "I would like to remind you that our constitution still sees finding someone's soulmate as a valid ground for divorce. I know it sounds ridiculous, considering we live in an era where the majority of the people don't believe in that anymore. But it's still there. And it'll be easier for Ryujin's case because she's got a prenuptial agreement with her wife."

The silence on Jisu's side tells Yeji she's hitting a nerve.

"Don't get me wrong, I am not against Ryujin," Yeji adds. "I can see how she's making you happy, and I'd like to thank her for that. I just think you two deserve better. You are soulmates. You shouldn't be hiding from the world."

She meant those words, but she didn't tell Jisu how she didn't like the idea of Ryujin getting the chance to fuck two hot women and get away with it with her huge bear-like grin.

She believes Jisu deserves more than being kept in the dark--it could be with Ryujin or with someone else, Yeji doesn't care.

"I don't want to force her into things," Jisu finally says, eyes still out the window. "I want her to take her time to decide what she wants, whom she wants."

"Whom she wants? What does that even mean?"

"Yuri came first before me. They have been together for ten years. She's seen every aspect of Ryujin, every change, every success, and downfall. She knows Ryujin in and out. They are not just lovers. They're best friends. And despite them not being destined for each other, Ryujin still fell in love with her."

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