Chapter 32

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"What? Are you serious?" Yeji asks.

"I am." Jisu puts the folders on the table. "I want to transfer Yuri's account to you."

"But why? Won't that affect your commission?"

"I don't care about the commission. I just can't do this anymore."

Yeji raises an eyebrow. "Did something happen at the party last night for you to decide something like that? Did Yuri find out?"

"No. She didn't. But I no longer want to work with her. It makes me feel guilty that I am trying my best to secure her investments, yet here I am ruining her marriage."

Yeji nods. "I understand. But how are you going to tell Yuri about this?"

"I'll just tell her there were changes in the client assignment, and I am handling a bigger client; that's why I need to let her go."

"Do you think she'd accept it if you transfer her to me?"

"Yeah. She likes you." Jisu smirks. "She even invited you to her birthday party last night, remember? You just couldn't make it because of your client meeting."

Yeji stares at Jisu and senses something off. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Why do you ask?"

"Because your eyes seem swollen. Have you been crying all night?"

At this, Jisu looks away.

Yeji's getting bad vibes now. "It's because of Ryujin, isn't it?"

"No. It's not like that."

"Tell me what happened then." Yeji stands from her chair, creasing her forehead. "The Choi Jisu I know doesn't cry easily. And for you to cry like that, it means something bad happened at the party last night."

Jisu presses her lips together, looking helpless.

Yeji growls. "If that bear purposely hurt you, I swear I'm gonna smack her right in the face."

"Yeji, please don't." Jisu reaches to hold her arm. "It's not like what you're thinking, okay?"

"Then tell me what exactly happened before I come up with stories in my head."

Jisu sighs and gives up. "Let's talk after work."


"Yeji unnie!"

Yeji just entered the building premises when she sees Yuna dashing towards her. "Hello, Yuna! Glad you could come over tonight, huh?"

"Of course. I wouldn't say no to an invitation from you." Yuna's face brightens when she sees the bags Yeji's holding. "Wow. Are those snacks?"

"Yup, yours and Jisu's favorites."

"Are we celebrating something tonight?"

"Nah. Just a little sleepover party. You know, movies, drinks, talks, and stuff."

"Is Ryujin unnie coming over too?"

"Umm." Yeji clears her throat. She takes her time until they reach the elevator area. "You know what, I called you over because I was hoping we could give Jisu some company tonight."

Yuna turns to her after pressing the elevator button. "Why? Did something happen?"

"Sort of. But I'm sure they'll fix it soon. It's just that Jisu's a bit lonely. And since it's Friday, I might as well have a party, right?"

"Right. I also heard from unnie before that you already have a girlfriend. Is that true?" Yuna smiles as they enter the elevator.

Yeji smiles smugly. "Yeah. I'll introduce you two later. She'll join us later after her shift at work."

"She works this late?"

"Yeah. 's a veterinarian in the animal hospital nearby."

"Wow. She's so cool!"

"Yeah. She really is." Yeji smirks and rearranges her face again. "But before you get too distracted tonight, remember our goal is to make Jisu laugh, okay?"

Yuna smirks. "Count me in."


"So, when are they gonna see each other again?" Chaeryoung stands beside Yeji in the kitchen, a can of beer in one hand. Both of them are looking at Jisu and Yuna watching a movie and bantering about the plot.

"Maybe tomorrow?" Yeji takes a sip of the beer. "When Yuri invited me to her birthday, she briefly mentioned she'll be back to work this weekend. I assume that's the window Ryujin's waiting for."

"Hmm. I hope they can fix this soon."

"I hope Ryujin fixes everything soon. It's just her who needs to do the action, you know."

"You know it's not that easy for her."

"But how long is it going to hurt Jisu like that? Jisu doesn't deserve any of it," Yeji says. "Even her wife. I mean, if she's sure about Jisu then it's better they split soon, so Yuri can start moving on from her."

"Maybe you're right. But what if things are meant to happen this way first?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm just saying the spirits could be nudging them towards a direction--towards a destination, we couldn't see yet," Chaeryoung explains. "It may look rocky right now for the two of them. But who knows, maybe they are about to reach the end of their struggles."

"And will they live happily ever after?"

"I can't say. Only the spirits know that."

"But do you think there is a chance for them to break up?"

"No. That's impossible." Chaeryoung chuckles.

"Ryujin unnie and Jisu unnie aren't simply lovers. They are soulmates--like us. There's no breaking up when someone finds their soulmate."

"So, you're saying that no matter how things get messy, it'll be Jisu and Ryujin in the end?"

"Yes. But it may not happen soon. We don't know that. What we know is we need to be there for Jisu unnie in times like this. I have a feeling this won't be the last, to be honest."

Yeji massages her temples. "Dammit."

"Hey. It's okay. Jisu unnie has us. Maybe that's what we're here for, to lighten things up for her." Chaeryoung gestures to the sisters, who are still bickering. "I'm thankful you came up with this idea. It seems effective, huh? At least she won't be crying all night again."

"Of course. You have yourself a smart girlfriend." Yeji taps her chest proudly.

Chaeryoung smiles and leans in. "I'm so proud of you."

They were about to kiss, but a pillow hit Yeji's head.

"Hey! No kissing!" Yuna shouts. "You do that in your room, okay?"

Chaeryoung and Yeji laugh.

"Aren't you joining us here? The movie's nice," Jisu says.

"We're having fun watching you two fight." Chaeryoung chuckles.

"Let's join them?" Yeji gestures to the couch.

Chaeryoung nods. "Sure. Let's make sure we party tonight."

"Right." Yeji turns to the sisters. "Alright, ladies, are you ready to get drunk tonight?"

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