Chapter 43

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Chaeryoung stands next to the couch, looking at Jisu who's watching television.

"Are you sure you don't want to come, unnie? It'll be our treat."

Jisu folded her legs and rested her chin on her knees. "I'm good, Chaeryoung. You and Yeji have fun on your own. I'll just eat the pasta you brought for dinner. Thanks for that."

Chaeryoung inhales. Not the answer she wants. "You still have two hours to change your mind though. Ring me up, if ever. Okay?"

Jisu nods. "Thanks."

With a heavy heart, Chaeryoung takes a good look at Jisu. It's dim in the room, with the flashes from the television serving as the only source of light. Yet, Chaeryoung could see the eye bags on Jisu's face, even how the woman's eyes are puffy, and how she looks debilitated.

Jisu's been like this for weeks now. As much as the woman claims she's okay, Chaeryoung's sure that's a huge fat lie. She tried her best to reach out, to help, but Jisu is uncooperative.

"I'm here for you, unnie. You know that, right?" Chaeryoung says.

There was no response. Jisu's just flipping channels with the remote. At this point, Chaeryoung knows it's futile to push it.

"You can take your time with this, unnie. But if you need to let it out, I'm here to listen." Chaeryoung turns to the door, ready to give Jisu the space she wants.

"Is it really love, Chaeryoung?"

Chaeryoung whips her head and sees Jisu in the same position, eyes downcast.

"When she said she loves me, was it her feelings, or was it influenced by the spirits?"

Jisu's voice is so soft like she's whispering words into thin air. Yet, Chaeryoung can feel the hurt in every word.

"Falling in love isn't something the spirits can force upon us, unnie. It's part of our free will as humans," Chaeryoung explains as she steps back into the living room to sit on one of the couches. "Yes, they can control the surrounding circumstances, but they can never force a human being to fall for someone, like in just a snap of a finger."

Jisu slowly turns to look at her. "They can't do that?

Chaeryoung shakes her head no. "That's the tricky part about soulmates that people often misunderstand. The spirits don't program people to fall in love. They match people. Of course, they are wise enough to know which human beings we're compatible with and more likely to fall in love with."

Jisu nods in silence, looking away.

"She loves you, unnie. It's not just some interference by the spirits. It's real. Ryujin unnie's in love with you."

Jisu hugs her knees tighter, hiding her face in her knees.


"I miss her so much, Chaeryoung," Jisu says, her voice muffled. "I miss her so much I don't know what to do anymore."

This time, Chaeryoung transfers to sit beside Jisu and rubs a palm over the woman's back.

"If she loves me then why isn't she here now?"

Chaeryoung could only sigh. "She's coming back, unnie. I'm sure of that. Maybe she's taking her time. But I'm sure she misses you as much."

Jisu stays silent, still hiding her face in her knees.

Chaeryoung keeps rubbing the older's back when she hears a buzzer outside.

"Unnie..." She stands up. "I think someone's at my door. It might be a delivery. Hold on. I'll be right back."

She steps out of Jisu's unit, closes the door behind her, finding it weird that no one's at her door.

Then she hears footsteps near the elevator area and sees a familiar hooded figure with a black cap.

"Ryujin unnie?" she calls.

She saw how Ryujin's eyes widened. The woman quickly presses the button, wanting to escape.

Knowing what's on Ryujin's mind, Chaeryoung dashes at the woman and grabs her coat.

"Hah! Gotcha! Hey-- what the hell!"

The elevator opens. Ryujin steps inside and quickly closes it.

"No!" Chaeryoung blocks the doors with her foot and grabs Ryujin by her arm.

"Let go, Chaeryoung-ah... I can't let her see me now..."

"No!" This time, Chaeryoung uses her long arms to take advantage of the situation. She grabs Ryujin's hood and twists it around her fist, so it would lock in her grip.

"Chaeryoung-- let go!" Ryujin's getting pulled out of the elevator.

"I can't! Jisu unnie's been crying for weeks because of you! I won't let you get away!"

At this, Ryujin finally stops struggling.

"S-She's been crying?"

"Yeah. Do you think she can stay mad at you forever?" Chaeryoung finally lets go of her grip, pushing Ryujin against the wall. "Where have you been, huh?"

"Just... hiking." Ryujin raises her hand holding a paper bag. "I was buzzing your door for five minutes to give this. I thought you weren't around."

"What's this?" Chaeryoung sniffs the bag. "Tteokbokki?"

"I was hoping you could give it to Jisu."

"Why not give it to her yourself then?"

"Well..." Ryujin puts her hands in her coat pockets. "I'm still thinking of how to approach her properly." she bites her lower lip. "I know she might be mad at me, so I need to think of a way to lessen her grumpiness."

Chaeryoung raises an eyebrow. "Did it occur to you that maybe she misses you too?"

"It did. But I still want to plan things out."

"And when are you planning to show yourself up?"

"This afternoon, maybe." Ryujin shrugs. "Or evening."

Chaeryoung rolls her eyes. "Look, Ryujin unnie--"

"Chaeryoung? I thought I heard your voice here," Jisu says. "Are you having problems with the delivery?"

Chaeryoung flinches while Ryujin freezes on the spot when they hear that familiar bedroom voice. Chaeryoung turns around and sees the woman already approaching them.

Too late. Good luck with Ryujin then.

"Oh. Hey, unnie. Yeah. I got my delivery." Chaeryoung raises the bag. Then she steps aside and gestures to the woman hiding behind her. "And guess who's here?"

Jisu slowly places a hand over her mouth, eyes getting wider as she stares at the hooded figure beside Chaeryoung.

"shit. I'm dead," Chaeryoung hears Ryujin whisper.

"Now that I got my delivery, I'll head to my room now." Chaeryoung gleefully jumps away from the scene. "Oh, and by the way, Yeji and I will have a dinner date later. If you two would want to join, just let me know, okies?"

Without waiting for a response from the two, Chaeryoung skips back into her room, silently wishing Ryujin good luck.

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