Chapter 17--Further Investigation

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Warning: This chapter would be a bit boring but things would probably pick up again soon, I promise!

It didn't take long to reach the police station. The moment you got there the police immediately stopped the car at the entrance, got out of the car and then opened the passenger's door, taking a good look at his passengers.

"We're here," he said, and you all got out of the car, your legs now so numb that it took you a bit of time while standing to get used to the pins and needles. Everyone took off their helmets and laid their weapons in the car, and the police didn't object.

"Where are we going now?" you asked.

"We're heading to a small courtroom," he said, motioning you all to follow him. "None of you are in trouble; we just need to ask you a couple more things to get things straight before we decide what to do."

The seven of you now made your way to the main building. You started to feel a little doubtful as you heard your footsteps echo in the empty halls, noticing that every single room was empty. Had it really been only a few hours ago when you told your friends about your first assumption with Mr. Lacitier? Dang. It felt like a really long time ago now. It must have been really late into the night then. Then it suddenly occurred to you that you haven't even finished any of your homework, that you owe your teachers a big-time explanation about Trudy's arrest and yours and Melanie's inability to complete your homework.

What were you going to say to them anyway? Just like the police before when Hiro told them about his stolen microbots, they would think that your story is nonsense. They wouldn't believe you. This night has already been crazy enough, and you just wished that it could just end already, that everything in your life would just get back to the way it once was, even if it meant that you would never be able to see your parents again.

Is it just you, or is life just not fair?

"(Y/N)?" You heard Hiro's voice, so distant, even though he was walking right next to you, his fingers intertwining with yours.

You turned your face to him. "I'm so sorry for bringing you into this mess, Hiro. You didn't deserve this. It's my fault."

"Hey," Hiro whispered again as he squeezed your hand. You were so used to him doing this for so long that you relaxed in his grip. "Remember what I said? I care about you. You'll never be a burden to me. I'll never leave you alone again. You're my..." Here he choked out the next word, unsure of what your reaction would be since he was pretty sure he was more than just your friend. "...girlfriend, okay?"

You stopped and looked at Hiro with wide eyes, tears slowly streaming down your cheeks. "Hiro," you sobbed, but Hiro silenced you with a hug. It meant falling behind from the rest of the group, but he didn't care.

"(Y/N)," Hiro murmured, but stopped, in fear that if he said anything more he would hurt you even more.

"No, Hiro, it's okay. Really," you managed to choke out, pulling your arms tighter around him. "I just...never...thought that...I'd be...well..." Here you stopped too before taking a couple deep breaths to calm down. "I never thought I'd hear anyone say this," you finally whispered as you looked up at him, you eyes sparkling. "Yes, Hiro. I'd love to be your girlfriend."

Those very words made Hiro's heart melt as he gave you a really quick but sweet kiss on the cheek, and you smiled and blushed. "Come on," you said, regaining your senses. "They've already disappeared on us."

So the two of you quickly ran in the direction you saw the rest of the group head in, and soon you heard their voices. Quickly, you located the room they were in and headed inside, expressionless.

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