fanfiction_awards Fall 2015 voting!

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Hey guys! How are you all?

So here are some news! I entered this story into the fanfiction_awards Fall 2015 competition! Basically they take any X Reader story that you write based on any movie, book, band/singer, video game character, anime, etc etc! This would be based on every season, so if you are interested, check out their page and enter your story for the Winter! More details can be found on their account.

Here's how you can vote.

1) On their page, I entered this story under the Movies/Books category. They will have a book with that category, so click on that and read it. There is a brief overview right now of the stories I entered, as well as some of the other stories in that category. 

2) You can then inline comment by saying "I want to vote for this story" on "A Helping Hand" or just state the title you want to vote for.

Other than that--almost 19K reads?! Honestly, I wasn't sure who would look at this story at all when I finished it back in May. But I am surprised that I'd get that many in a short time. 5 months, now, is it? Yeah. I know I haven't made a lot of headway into the sequel, and I apologize, but I'll try to update that once I get some inspiration and some commitment back into the Big Hero 6 fandom! :)

That's it for now, fellow readers! Thank you for your amazing support, as always! 


PS YES I CHANGED MY USERNAME. I'm not clara_hamada anymore due to some recent insult on one of my works.

A Helping Hand (Hiro X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now