Chapter 19--Light in the Dark

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You heard your mom call your name out lovingly, and you turned to see her off in the distance, by a set of gates. Happiness surged through your tired limbs as you ran towards her now, holding your arms out to embrace her, and you did, closing your eyes as you felt your mom wrap her arms around you in return.

"MOM!" you cried, sobbing in relief. "Oh man, I thought I would never see you again!"

"Look at you," you heard another voice say--another voice that made you cry so much more. Your father showed up by your mother's side with a kind smile.

"DAD!" you cried out as well, throwing your arms around him as well. "Oh my god. I missed you both!"

But suddenly the atmosphere changed. Before, you were standing on a set of golden clouds--suddenly you were surrounded with flames, and even worse, you were struggling to stay afloat in something thick and gross.

"Yes, you did," your dad suddenly...hissed.

You jerked your head to him, staring with wide eyes as you saw your parents turn into a pair of demons--black-winged demons with thin stringy arms, eyes glowing in an eerie yellow-green.

"Dad, what..." you faltered. "What happened?"

"You deserve to stay with us," your mom hissed, swooping down to meet your gaze. "Look at our daughter, dear. Don't you think she should stay with us as one happy family?"

"What happened to you?!" you cried, kicking your legs upwards to keep your head above the surface, but even that was not going well for you as you felt something pull down on your legs, sucking you back in.

"Dear, death has been an amazing experience," your father said, lifting your chin to his face with a wing. "We've been doing so well here. Why don't you join us? You have always wanted to see us again." He laughed. "Forget everything you ever had in the world above. Forget your new friends. Forget Hiro, your boyfriend. You want us, and now you have a chance to! Live with us, (Y/N), and we can all be together again!"

"Not like this!" you cried. "Let me go!"

"(Y/N), wasn't it your wish to see us again?" your mom asked softly. "If you die, we could all live as a family together, like the old days. That's what you wanted with me after your dad died. Wasn't it already too late for you to realize?"

You continued to struggle against the liquid dragging you down. "Look, I didn't want to see you like this. How could you guys just end my life like this? I don't want to die! I have friends now, okay? I have people out there who care for me! You are not my parents! You're just their spirits taken over from evil!"

"You really think so?" your dad whispered threateningly. "Well then, prepare yourself to die in the same way that I did, that your mom did, and you would be rightful to join hell."

Then they disappeared, leaving you struggling in the substance that you now recognized as poison. Could it be the same one that Callaghan used to kill your dad?

Before you could answer that question, you heard a shrill scream echo through the air, and a million red-eyed eagles started to swoop down towards you with great speed, clawing at your flesh. You tried to find a way out, but you couldn't find a nearby rock, and you already felt yourself giving up.

You screamed as the eagles easily picked off your flesh like they were simply picking off the flesh of a fresh kill, the pain washing over you like tidal waves all over your body, over and over and over, the pain intensifying.

A Helping Hand (Hiro X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora