Chapter 28--In your head

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"MOM!" your 5-year-old self cry out as you held your knee close to you, scraped from racing your best friend to your own backyard. You tripped over the gutter and was shocked to see the blood. "Mom! Help! I'm bleeding!"

Your mom, upon hearing your cry, rushed to you with a bandage and a couple wipes. "(Y/N)!" she cried back, kneeling at your side and assessing the damage on your body. "What did you do this time?"

"Racing against my best friend," you told her between sobs. "And I tripped."

Your mom sighed as she patiently cleaned the wound, gently wiping the blood away from your knee and putting the bandage over your wound. "(Y/N), please do be careful!" she softly scolded you as she faced you, giving you a kiss on the cheek. "You'll be okay now?"

You nodded. "Thank you mom!"

Your mom beamed at you. "Anything for you, my dear (Y/N)."


"OW!" your 8-year-old self cried out in pain as you clutched onto your stomach, after someone punched you so hard that you felt all the air being knocked out of your system.

Your previous best friend stood by you now as she lead you away from the scuffle. "Come on, let's go to the school nurse."

The two of you silently went to the school nurse, ignoring the laughter behind you growing louder and louder. By the time you reached her, the nurse smiled at you kindly and lead you onto the bed, holding out a pack of ice and wrap a towel around the pack so that you didn't go numb over the cold.

Your best friend stayed with you, perched on the edge of the bed as you clutched the pack hard on your stomach, trying to ease the pain that the bully delivered.

"You okay now, (Y/N)?" she asked you worriedly, looking at you with pity.

You nodded. "Don't worry. I'm a strong, tough one."

"A strong and tough one indeed, (Y/N), but you will one day reveal a weak spot that would make you break," the school nurse cried from across the room as she organized her many drawers full of different doctors' tools. "Be very careful, (Y/N), dearie. You never know if that bully would strike again, or anyone out there worse than him!"

You nodded again, laughing weakly. "When that day happens, I will most certainly be able to look out for that. Thank you."

The nurse simply nodded as she turned away and continued minding her own business.


"Watch it, (Y/N)!"

You doubled over and fell on your back as someone kicked a soccer ball hard onto your gut again, and another person kicked another ball right into your head right after. The double pain was too much for you, and soon you were unable to get up again.


You were saved by the high school gym coach's whistle, shrilly interrupting the match so that she could tend to you. "(Y/N), are you okay?"

You nodded, but winced, groaning as the pain stabbed right through your body. "I...I...I'm...fine...I think..."

The rest of the girls present, Trudy included, started laughing at you.

"Haha, (Y/N)!" they cried, laughing so hard that they were doubling over. "This is for your father!"

"SHUT UP ABOUT MY FATHER!" you screamed. By this point in time your father was already dead, and your mom was still hanging on but not as well as you wished she did. This was before you met Hiro, this was before Melanie showed up...and in that moment, you had always dreaded school.

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