Chapter 21--Back to the Island

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The wind blew sharply across your face as you shifted uncomfortably on Baymax in the bright sunny afternoon sky, flying back to the abandoned island where you were held captive with Tadashi and Gisele. Hiro was right beside you as he kept a lookout for the island, while Tadashi was on his other side. Melanie and Gisele have already teleported themselves on the island with the help of Gisele's abilities.

"Ayee," you murmured, shivering a bit as the cold wind blew against your arms, and you tensed them immediately.

"You alright?" Hiro asked you, removing one of his hands from Baymax's back to wrap around you.

You nodded. "Just a bit cold. Thanks."

"There it is!" Tadashi called, pointing to the island from a distance. "Take us down, Baymax. I think I see Gisele and Melanie there already."

Baymax obeyed, and you all got off of Baymax gratefully to see Melanie and Gisele waving and running to you.

"Thank goodness you got here safely!" you cried, giving Melanie a hug.

Melanie laughed. "Hey. We all did, right?"

You nodded as you let go. "Yeah." Then you headed towards the hole that Wasabi cut, and you laughed. "Wasabi cut this, didn't he?"

"Yeah," Hiro chuckled. "Didn't do too well for a first, but at least we all got in."

"Oh, that's how you got in," Tadashi spoke up softly. "Hiro, you know you still owe me an explanation on the upgrades."

"The same can be said to you, Dashi," Hiro responded, lightly punching his brother.

"Hey, that was just so we could get out of the prison quicker," Tadashi explained. "But what about your upgrades?"

You noticed Hiro's face drop. "It was because of your death."

Tadashi froze, then turned to his brother, tears brimming. "Oh."

"What else could we do instead of just sitting around while Callaghan wreaks havoc with my stolen microbots?" Hiro protested. "The police wouldn't believe me at first!"

"But hey, they do now," Tadashi laughed.

"Yeah, but that's because you're here, and then we had Aunt Cass and Mr. Lacitier too, right? They're adults, and they listen to them!"

"So what? You've been around as leader of Big Hero 6 for so long now, they're bound to believe you should you ask," Tadashi pointed out, giving his brother a pat on the back. "Don't worry, Hiro. We're doing this for our good, for revenge on Callaghan now, right?"

Hiro nodded. "I suppose."

"Hey guys?" Gisele's distant voice called out in the chamber. "You've got to see this."

Alerted, you climbed through the hole, Hiro right beside you, Melanie and Tadashi behind you and Baymax taking the rear, carefully walking through the corridors until you saw a bronze glint of Gisele's armour from an inner chamber, and you quickly entered the room, eyes widening at the different vials filled with brightly-coloured concoctions lining the shelves in the walls, and the different lab equipment set out on several different tables in the middle of the room.

"Man," Tadashi breathed upon entering the room. "Honey Lemon would love this room."

"I doubt Mr. Lacitier would be able to make that many potions," you murmured. "This is amazing...but dangerous."

Hiro nodded as he took out the vial that Gisele gave him the day before, comparing the contents of the liquid with the content in the other vials on the shelves. "How are we going to find a match?"

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