Chapter 22--Truth Unveiled

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Later that evening, upon finishing your homework back at your house and the moment you finished showering you started flipping through the package that you have created earlier that day back on the island, curled up on your bed as you took out a highlighter and pen. You were shocked at this interesting feud between your family's and Callaghan's, it was no wonder that Trudy made so much fun of you and made everyone else believe her. But one thing nagged you--what about Callaghan's daughter, Abigail? You barely heard any word about her since Tadashi and Gisele both mentioned her back on the island. You've heard from the news that she has been deemed alive as well, but since then you never heard anything about her. Was she also a part of this tradition? If so, does it automatically make her your enemy?

You flipped the folder open first to the first email, the one that you have read aloud for the gang at the island. Highlighting a couple key words, you moved on to the next page. This email was sent the very next day.


Yes, it is the anonymous sender again. I don't even know what has gotten into you when you married your husband (F/N). Isn't he just one of the most stupidest people you could ever imagine? He's nothing. He's worthless. You've just made the biggest regret marrying him. He can't take care of himself, even. To even think that glasses of wine would not be as toxic as he thought--well, that's a mistake that anyone would so carelessly make. Never thought he would do it, wouldn't he?

The email ended there, and upon finishing this email you felt anger bubble in your system. Wine isn't poisonous--in fact, alone, it wouldn't have much effect on the user unless too much has been consumed, to the point where the user just loses his or her mind and is completely incoherent to decide what is right and what isn't anymore. What you saw on the page, in the small print, was another lie.

You took out your highlighter and highlighted "glasses of wine would not be as toxic" and "that's a mistake that anyone would so carelessly make", feeling your hands shake as you turned to the next page, the email written the day after the second one.


Don't even think you could take care of your daughter (Y/N) anymore. She's been so--how to say this--strange. According to my niece, today she somehow beat someone to a pulp. She's seen it with her own eyes. I don't think your daughter would ever try to do that, but she just did, out of anger.

I'm not trying to scare you, but that's what your daughter actually did. Do you think you could still take care of your daughter after today?

What the actual hell is this? You couldn't believe all the lies that Callaghan had to say in this. You bit your lip to stop yourself from cursing yourself out loud, and highlighted "beat someone to a pulp" and wrote beside it--"this is not true, for (Y/N) only punched this guy's nose" and also highlighted "out of anger" and wrote, "true, but (Y/N) did not react that horribly to this situation."

You kept this going until very well into the night, when you reached the final email that Callaghan sent the day that you wanted Hiro to bring Baymax to your mom.

Give up already, (M/N). You're worthless. Your daughter's worthless. Your husband was nothing to you, and he's already in the ashes. Have I already pushed you far enough? I hope I have. Goodbye, (M/N). Never again do I want to send you any more shit about your family, because you don't even have to hear them ever again.

"Oh that stupid idiot Callaghan is!" you finally shouted, highlighting everything about the email. Simply reading this already made your blood boil, and you just hated Callaghan even more now.


You saw the door to your bedroom open to see Mr. Lacitier with a phone in hand.

"Hi Mr. Lacitier," you greeted him. "Who's on the phone this time?" you asked, gesturing to the home phone he carried with him.

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