2nd PLACE in fanfiction_awards!

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Hey guys, I know this is kinda late, but...I GOT AMAZING NEWS!

This book got 2nd place in the Fall 2015 season of fanfiction_awards! In the "Movies/Books" category, that is. 


Thank you guys so much for your unending support on this novel and the sequel. I greatly apologize for not having updated much of my Hiro X Readers lately, but hey, when you get some other good ideas rolling and on the ball, you just have no choice but to actually take a break from what you started. Not that it's a bad thing. In the meanwhile, I actually do have ideas on the sequel but it's kinda hard with other books to update to think it through. But I promise that another chapter will be up on my sequel soon! :)

Meanwhile, I know there has been a BIT of hate on this...with random comments I'm getting like "WHAT, if he's my brother and I love him...isn't that a bit incest-like?" and that kind of thing, or "OMG GIVE ME A BETTER NAME FOR THIS BULLY!"


GUYS, if you really don't like it, then don't read it. Though of course it's kinda too late to say it now, but still. You don't like it, you don't read it. And you don't comment whatever you wish. What are you, attention seekers? I'm only lucky for some backup from a couple of my friends, but seriously, I made these choices for a reason. And if you don't like it, then...DON'T COMMENT! Or even better, DON'T READ!

Yeesh, people. YEESH.

Okay, so that's that over with.

Other than that, 2nd place is already more than I can hope for, so thank you all for your support! :)

Anyway, another chapter of the sequel will be up soon, so be patient!

Meanwhile, I have a Hiro X Reader Christmas story up, called "Past the Pirouettes and the Bets"! If you want to give that a read and let me know how it's going, that'll be great! :)


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