[17] The Crime Scene

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I lead Uncle Frank and the other three officers upstairs. My hand hesitates on the knob and I push that fear away as I open the door and let them in. One look at my bed, the stains, and memories flood back in horrible thought. My stomach drops in unsettlement and I have no choice but to look away. I look everywhere but the bed. I keep a careful eye on Uncle Frank, watching his reaction. His eyes widen as his jaw drops, predictably, and he keeps glancing at me. He tells one of the officers to grab some evidence bags and do a sweep of the room. I keep to the corner as those three officers come back, bagging bloody sheets, blankets, and pillowcases into clear bags. They carry my bed downstairs and I hope they burn it when they're done. 

Tyler walks in, finally, and watches the officer as they leave with the crime scene. "Oh my God! Is that blood?"

"What else does it look like, you idiot?" I snap, crossing my arms in anger as I glare at him. This wasn't how I wanted to tell Tyler, but it's not like I had a choice. 

"Addy," Uncle Frank warns in a stern tone, stepping into his role as parental figure. I mean, someone has to, right?

"Sorry. Loose lips." I stare out the window as the sun casts a golden glow over where I used to lay, illuminating That Night and so many things I will never get back. I pull the curtains shut and cough. There's dust everywhere.

Tyler walks over, but I refuse to look at him. "Addy—"

"Why couldn't you just believe me, Tyler? Was that so hard to do?"

"Come on," He whispers, tugging at my sleeve to get my attention, but I shove him away. "Can you blame me?"

I meet his eye and with a cruel heart, "Who else should I blame? Paul? Or you?" 

"After everything you've done..." Tyler trails off and his sentence fades into silence.

"Are you saying I deserved it?"

"I'm saying I'm sorry."

I cross my arms together and turn away from him. "It's going to take more than a pity apology to forgive you."

Uncle Frank steps forward. "Tyler, can you give us a moment? I need to ask Addy some questions."

He stares at me a moment longer, waiting for me to beg him to stay, and he scoffs and shakes his head. "Whatever, Uncle Frank. She's all yours." He turns and storms out, slamming the door, and I flinch at the echo, eyes closed tight.

"Please open the door," I choke out, fear paralyzing me as the worst comes to mind. "O-Open it, please.... please open it."

Uncle Frank grabs my laundry basket and uses it to prop the door open, guaranteeing it won't close again. "Is that better, Addy?"

"What are you doing here?" I ask instead of answering him. "What made you decide to believe me now?"

He chooses his words carefully as he walks across the room to me. "Do you remember our conversation from the other day down at the police station, when you came in to make a report? I was thinking, and I couldn't get what you said out of my head, that snide comment you made about your bedroom, something about it being a crime scene." 

I can't help but laugh. "What, my sarcasm convinced you?"

"I'm here now, aren't I?"

"Better late than never. Still doesn't change the fact you didn't believe me before."

Uncle Frank frowns. "I'm sorry, Addy. We're family. I should have believed you right away. I don't know if you'll accept my apology or if you'll even forgive me but I can promise you now that I am here for you. Okay?"

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