Chapter 1

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Trash of the Count's Family, a novel that is famous not only in Korea but also in other part of the world. For others it might just be for their entertainment and to use their free time but for some, it is a story that gives them a comfort and hope about the harsh reality of the world.

Han Gyeol, a Korean office worker who are in his early 30's that loves to read fantasy novels to distract himself from the real world. For him, reading novels is much more better than the real life.

- Hey Han Gyeol!

- Yes manager-nim?


- Finish this before you go home. Make sure that it is in my office when I get here, ok?

- W-what's that sir?

- That is my presentation tomorrow for the meeting with the higher ups, so you have to finish that before tomorrow.

- B-but...

- You have a problem?

- ...N-no sir.

- Heh!... What a pushover.

The manager left for home after dumping all his work to Han Gyeol.

- Well seems like I won't be able to go home early today again.

Han Gyeol said with a defeated tone.

As you can see, Han Gyeol is a total pushover. He always do his officemates work even his manager's, they make him their errand boy, always borrow money from him then forget to pay back and worst of all they act like they were friends with him but only use him for their benefit.

Han Gyeol know it all that they don't really treat him as a friend and only use him, but what can he do? It's not like he can just complain. After all he was used to being alone and always being used for other people's benefit.

He is actually smart, very smart, that's why he survived being alone this far. He and his manager came in the company at the same time and his manager was only be able to get promoted because he is the one who really did all the works. But he also don't know what to do and also very timid and innocent. He is scared that if he don't make what the others make him to do, they will leave him... He just don't want to be completely alone. People might think that he is just being stupid, that he can just find real friends. But that is only because they don't know and understand what kind of life he gone to. Every people is different, you can't just judge them on what you see, because what you see doesn't mean it was true.
- Whew... finally, I'm finished all the works... Huh! It's 12 already!... damn I'm so late.

After Han Gyeol finished all of NOT his work. He leaves their office and went to the bus station. To get to his home, it will take at least an hour of bus ride then a least of 15 minutes of walk. He also needs to wake up early because he has to be in the company at 6 tomorrow to do all NOT his work.

Walking in the side walk, Han Gyeol check his phone.

- Whoa! Author-nim already updated the Trash of the Count Family! Better read it now.

The new update is currently in chapter 759. Han Gyeol always read the trash of the count family; he will give time for it even in his busy and hectic life as it is the only thing to give him happiness.

As he was about to click the new update...

Han Geol hears people yelling 'stop' 'wait' and 'hey'. He looks up and sees that he is in the middle of the pedestrian lane but it seems like the traffic light is red. The approaching bus was fast but it seems like he can't move. He usually laugh at the stupidity of the movies he watch when the character was about to get crush by the car and just stare at it without dodging.

It's hurt... it felt so cold. I can see the lights of the building that surrounding me and the night stars that shining brightly tonight. I can hear the shout of the people the sound of the siren and the loud heartbeat of my heart.

My eyesight starting to blur as my heartbeat starting to decrease. I... I don't know what to feel. Do I have to be so sad because I'm about to die? But I don't have any reason though. Be happy since I can be peaceful now? I... I don't know....

Ahhh... I still haven't read the new update. I... I feel like crying right now. I still haven't finish the whole novel, I still want to read the ending, I still want to see Cale's living his none existing slacker's life... At least let me read Cale stabbing his heart.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not a sadist... or I am? No I'm not! So... ahem back to the topic... I still want to see how his family will react and also... right! Clopeh, I want to see how he will react seeing his god stabbing himself.

Damn... I can feel myself dying now. Well I wish if I go to heaven that they have cellphone there so I can still read my favorite novel.


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