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"I held on as tightly as you held onto me"

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"I held on as tightly as you held onto me"

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   Tara Lewis sat down at the round table, everything feeling unreal to her. She was brand new, and even though the team was super kind and welcoming, nerves still controlled her entire body. She fiddled with a pen as Hotch walked into the room, followed by Penelope.

   "Good morning everyone," Hotch started. "I know these past couple of months have been difficult, trust me I've been feeling it too. That's why I've decided that we will only be taking local cases for the time being...or until we feel comfortable again. I don't want to rush anyone and I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable. We have a new plane but...we don't have to use it just yet."

   The team nodded, Bella feeling Spencer reach over and squeeze her hand. She breathed slowly, hanging on to every word coming out of Hotch's mouth. It had been almost 6 months since the crash, but the team was still feeling it. It still felt raw and it still felt deep.

   "There's a local case and the police need our help," Penelope said as Hotch took a seat next to Bella. "Since 2006 there have been 12 women that have been kidnapped from local bars, raped, beaten, strangled, then left in the parking lot of the bar the next day."

   "How do we know it's connected?" Derek asked.

   "The unsub leaves them naked," Hotch answered. 

   "He wants to make them look vulnerable," Tara said. "He's trying to make them look weak." 

   "How has this been going on for 9 years?" Rossi asked.

   "No one has gotten a good look at the unsub," Penelope responded. "There aren't any witnesses."

   "Catching him won't be easy," JJ sighed. 

   "He has only been killing white women so we can assume that this is a white male," Spencer said. "He targets women under 25 so I'm guessing he's in his mid-thirties by now. He's older and he goes after younger because they're naive to the party world."

   "He's charming," Bella said. "That's how he can lure these women away. They trust him because they're drunk and they think he'll take care of them."

   "So let's not waste time, we need to find this guy," Hotch said, standing up. "We have cars waiting for us."

   Spencer stood up, helping Bella to her feet as she cradled her large stomach. He took her by the hand, planting a soft kiss on it before glancing over her pale face.

   "Do you feel ok?" he asked.

   "Yeah," Bella answered. "It's just, it's our first case in months. It's nerve-wracking...that's all." 

   "I know. You can stay back, Hotch will understand."

   "No, I'm fine, I promise. I'll be fine."

Soaring Through the Sky - Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now