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"All for nothing at all"

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"All for nothing at all"

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   Penelope sat in her quiet office, listening to her clock tick by and count down the minutes until she could finally go home. She sniffled and wiped her eyes, wondering if it was possible to run out of tears. She thought she would've run out of them by now. 

   For the past 4 days, she kept her office door completely shut and locked. She ignored everyone's phone calls unless it was work-related. All she would do is sit in her office and cry. Cry until she had a headache and felt like throwing up. She felt as if all the water in her body had been cried out. 

   She gathered all of James' belongings and shoved them into a box, wondering what she should do with it all. He had no one to come and claim his things. He had no one to plan his funeral. He didn't even have a will. Emily was the one who decided to bury him at a graveyard close to work. That way, he could still be home. 

   Penelope couldn't bring herself to attend his burial. All she did was stay home and cry even more, wondering if James hated her for her actions. She wondered if he died thinking that she hated him. She wondered so many different things. She hated death. 

   As she continued to cry, she used her last remaining tissues to wipe her nose. Her eyes stared at her clock, begging for time to move faster so she could leave. She wanted to be at home so no one could see or hear her cry as loud as she wanted. 

   On the outside of her door, Luke walked by with his hands shoved into his pockets. A frown had been plastered on his face since he learned about James' death. He found it difficult to smile or even chuckle lightly. He found it difficult to find happiness whatsoever. It felt as if a dark cloud was over them, storming loudly and preventing them all from seeing sunshine ever again. 

   He looked over at Penelope's door, not bothering to knock. He knew that she was grieving. He also knew that his words wouldn't be enough to comfort her. Words couldn't bring James back. All words could do was try to bandage a gaping wound. 

   As he continued walking, he passed by other members of the team. Most of them looked devastated while others tried to distract themselves with the case they were working on. They couldn't let themselves be sad, they were just determined to find The Shadow and make him pay for all the damage he had done. The Shadow being Bella's uncle didn't make things any easier. 

   Luke approached the conference room and opened the door, hoping to find some peace and quiet inside. Enough to allow him to focus on the case and try to look for things that he may have missed. He shut the door behind him, his eyes shifting over and landing on Spencer who was sitting on the floor with wet eyes.

   "Reid?" Luke questioned. "What're you doing?"

   "Nothing," Spencer whispered. "Just...thinking."

Soaring Through the Sky - Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now